Source code for runtime/argparse.c

 * Implementation of HPyArg_Parse and HPyArg_ParseKeywords.
 * Note: those functions are runtime helper functions, i.e., they are not part
 * of the HPy context, but are available to HPy extensions to incorporate at
 * compile time.
 * HPyArg_Parse parses positional arguments and replaces PyArg_ParseTuple.
 * HPyArg_ParseKeywords parses positional and keyword arguments and
 * replaces PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords.
 * HPy intends to only support the simpler format string types (numbers, bools)
 * and handles. More complex types (e.g. buffers) should be retrieved as
 * handles and then processed further as needed.
 * Supported Formatting Strings
 * ----------------------------
 * Numbers
 * ~~~~~~~
 * ``b (int) [unsigned char]``
 *     Convert a nonnegative Python integer to an unsigned tiny int, stored in a C unsigned char.
 * ``B (int) [unsigned char]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a tiny int without overflow checking, stored in a C unsigned char.
 * ``h (int) [short int]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C short int.
 * ``H (int) [unsigned short int]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C unsigned short int, without overflow checking.
 * ``i (int) [int]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a plain C int.
 * ``I (int) [unsigned int]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C unsigned int, without overflow checking.
 * ``l (int) [long int]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C long int.
 * ``k (int) [unsigned long]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C unsigned long without overflow checking.
 * ``L (int) [long long]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C long long.
 * ``K (int) [unsigned long long]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C unsigned long long without overflow checking.
 * ``n (int) [HPy_ssize_t]``
 *     Convert a Python integer to a C HPy_ssize_t.
 * ``f (float) [float]``
 *     Convert a Python floating point number to a C float.
 * ``d (float) [double]``
 *     Convert a Python floating point number to a C double.
 * Strings and buffers
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 * These formats allow accessing an object as a contiguous chunk of memory.
 * You don't have to provide raw storage for the returned unicode or bytes
 * area.
 * In general, when a format sets a pointer to a buffer, the pointer is valid
 * only until the corresponding HPy handle is closed.
 * ``s (unicode) [const char*]``
 * Convert a Unicode object to a C pointer to a character string.
 * A pointer to an existing string is stored in the character pointer
 * variable whose address you pass.  The C string is NUL-terminated.
 * The Python string must not contain embedded null code points; if it does,
 * a `ValueError` exception is raised. Unicode objects are converted
 * to C strings using 'utf-8' encoding. If this conversion fails,
 * a `UnicodeError` is raised.
 * Note: This format does not accept bytes-like objects and is therefore
 * not suitable for filesystem paths.
 * Handles (Python Objects)
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 * ``O (object) [HPy]``
 *     Store a handle pointing to a generic Python object.
 *     When using O with HPyArg_ParseKeywords, an HPyTracker is created and
 *     returned via the parameter `ht`. If HPyArg_ParseKeywords returns
 *     successfully, you must call HPyTracker_Close on `ht` once the
 *     returned handles are no longer needed. This will close all the handles
 *     created during argument parsing. There is no need to call
 *     `HPyTracker_Close` on failure -- the argument parser does this for you.
 * Miscellaneous
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 * ``p (bool) [int]``
 *     Tests the value passed in for truth (a boolean predicate) and converts
 *     the result to its equivalent C true/false integer value. Sets the int to
 *     1 if the expression was true and 0 if it was false. This accepts any
 *     valid Python value. See
 *     `Truth Value Testing <>`_
 *     for more information about how Python tests values for truth.
 * Options
 * ~~~~~~~
 * ``|``
 *     Indicates that the remaining arguments in the argument list are optional.
 *     The C variables corresponding to optional arguments should be initialized
 *     to their default value — when an optional argument is not specified, the
 *     contents of the corresponding C variable is not modified.
 * ``$``
 *     HPyArg_ParseKeywords() only: Indicates that the remaining arguments in
 *     the argument list are keyword-only. Currently, all keyword-only arguments
 *     must also be optional arguments, so | must always be specified before $
 *     in the format string.
 * ``:``
 *     The list of format units ends here; the string after the colon is used as
 *     the function name in error messages. : and ; are mutually exclusive and
 *     whichever occurs first takes precedence.
 * ``;``
 *     The list of format units ends here; the string after the semicolon is
 *     used as the error message instead of the default error message. : and ;
 *     are mutually exclusive and whichever occurs first takes precedence.
 * Argument Parsing API
 * --------------------

#include "hpy.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg) if (HPy_IsNull(current_arg)) break;
static const char * parse_err_fmt(const char *fmt, const char **err_fmt) { const char *fmt1 = fmt; for (; *fmt1 != 0; fmt1++) { if (*fmt1 == ':' || *fmt1 == ';') { *err_fmt = fmt1; break; } } return fmt1; }
static void set_error(HPyContext *ctx, HPy exc, const char *err_fmt, const char *msg) { char err_buf[_ERR_STRING_MAX_LENGTH]; if (err_fmt == NULL) { snprintf(err_buf, _ERR_STRING_MAX_LENGTH, "function %.256s", msg); } else if (*err_fmt == ':') { snprintf(err_buf, _ERR_STRING_MAX_LENGTH, "%.200s() %.256s", err_fmt + 1, msg); } else { snprintf(err_buf, _ERR_STRING_MAX_LENGTH, "%s", err_fmt + 1); } HPyErr_SetString(ctx, exc, err_buf); }
static int parse_item(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker *ht, HPy current_arg, int current_arg_tmp, const char **fmt, va_list *vl, const char *err_fmt) { switch (*(*fmt)++) { case 'b': { /* unsigned byte -- very short int */ char *output = va_arg(*vl, char *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); long value = HPyLong_AsLong(ctx, current_arg); if (value == -1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; if (value < 0) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_OverflowError, err_fmt, "unsigned byte integer is less than minimum"); return 0; } if (value > UCHAR_MAX) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_OverflowError, err_fmt, "unsigned byte integer is greater than maximum"); return 0; } *output = (char) value; break; } case 'B': { /* byte sized bitfield - both signed and unsigned values allowed */ char *output = va_arg(*vl, char *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); unsigned long value = HPyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask(ctx, current_arg); if (value == (unsigned long)-1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = (unsigned char) value; break; } case 'h': { /* signed short int */ short *output = va_arg(*vl, short *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); long value = HPyLong_AsLong(ctx, current_arg); if (value == -1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; if (value < SHRT_MIN) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_OverflowError, err_fmt, "signed short integer is less than minimum"); return 0; } if (value > SHRT_MAX) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_OverflowError, err_fmt, "signed short integer is greater than maximum"); return 0; } *output = (short) value; break; } case 'H': { /* short int sized bitfield, both signed and unsigned allowed */ unsigned short *output = va_arg(*vl, unsigned short *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); unsigned long value = HPyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask(ctx, current_arg); if (value == (unsigned long)-1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = (unsigned short) value; break; } case 'i': { /* signed int */ int *output = va_arg(*vl, int *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); long value = HPyLong_AsLong(ctx, current_arg); if (value == -1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; if (value > INT_MAX) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_OverflowError, err_fmt, "signed integer is greater than maximum"); return 0; } if (value < INT_MIN) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_OverflowError, err_fmt, "signed integer is less than minimum"); return 0; } *output = (int)value; break; } case 'I': { /* int sized bitfield, both signed and unsigned allowed */ unsigned int *output = va_arg(*vl, unsigned int *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); unsigned long value = HPyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask(ctx, current_arg); if (value == (unsigned long)-1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = (unsigned int) value; break; } case 'l': { long *output = va_arg(*vl, long *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); long value = HPyLong_AsLong(ctx, current_arg); if (value == -1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = value; break; } case 'k': { /* long sized bitfield */ unsigned long *output = va_arg(*vl, unsigned long *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); unsigned long value = HPyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask(ctx, current_arg); if (value == (unsigned long)-1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = value; break; } case 'L': { /* long long */ long long *output = va_arg(*vl, long long *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); long long value = HPyLong_AsLongLong(ctx, current_arg); if (value == (long long)-1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = value; break; } case 'K': { /* long long sized bitfield */ unsigned long long *output = va_arg(*vl, unsigned long long *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); unsigned long long value = HPyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask(ctx, current_arg); if (value == (unsigned long long)-1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = value; break; } case 'n': { /* HPy_ssize_t */ HPy_ssize_t *output = va_arg(*vl, HPy_ssize_t *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); HPy_ssize_t value = HPyLong_AsSsize_t(ctx, current_arg); if (value == (HPy_ssize_t)-1 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = value; break; } case 'f': { /* float */ float *output = va_arg(*vl, float *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); double value = HPyFloat_AsDouble(ctx, current_arg); if (value == -1.0 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = (float) value; break; } case 'd': { /* double */ double* output = va_arg(*vl, double *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); double value = HPyFloat_AsDouble(ctx, current_arg); if (value == -1.0 && HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) return 0; *output = value; break; } case 'O': { HPy *output = va_arg(*vl, HPy *); _BREAK_IF_OPTIONAL(current_arg); if (current_arg_tmp) { *output = HPy_Dup(ctx, current_arg); HPyTracker_Add(ctx, *ht, *output); } else { *output = current_arg; } break; } case 'p': { /* boolean *p*redicate */ int *output = va_arg(*vl, int *); int value = HPy_IsTrue(ctx, current_arg); if (value < 0) return 0; *output = (value > 0) ? 1 : 0; break; } case 's': { const char **output = va_arg(*vl, const char **); if (!HPyUnicode_Check(ctx, current_arg)) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_TypeError, err_fmt, "a str is required"); return 0; } HPy_ssize_t size; const char *data = HPyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(ctx, current_arg, &size); if (data == NULL) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, err_fmt, "unicode conversion error"); return 0; } // loop bounded by size is more robust/paranoid than strlen HPy_ssize_t i; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (data[i] == '\0') { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_ValueError, err_fmt, "embedded null character"); return 0; } } if (data[i] != '\0') { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, err_fmt, "missing terminating null character"); return 0; } *output = data; break; } default: { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, err_fmt, "unknown arg format code"); return 0; } } // switch return 1; }
[docs]/** * Parse positional arguments. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param ht: * An optional pointer to an HPyTracker. If the format string never * results in new handles being created, ``ht`` may be ``NULL``. Currently * only the ``O`` formatting option to this function requires an HPyTracker. * :param args: * The array of positional arguments to parse. * :param nargs: * The number of elements in ``args``. * :param fmt: * The format string to use to parse the arguments. * :param ...: * A va_list of references to variables in which to store the parsed * arguments. The number and types of the arguments should match the * the format string, ``fmt``. * * :returns: ``0`` on failure, ``1`` on success. * * If a ``NULL`` pointer is passed to ``ht`` and an HPyTracker is required by * the format string, a ``SystemError`` will be raised. * * If a pointer is provided to ``ht``, the HPyTracker will always be created * and must be closed with ``HPyTracker_Close`` if parsing succeeds (after all * handles returned are no longer needed). If parsing fails, this function * will close the HPyTracker automatically. * * Examples: * * Using ``HPyArg_Parse`` without an HPyTracker: * * .. code-block:: c * * long a, b; * if (!HPyArg_Parse(ctx, NULL, args, nargs, "ll", &a, &b)) * return HPy_NULL; * ... * * Using ``HPyArg_Parse`` with an HPyTracker: * * .. code-block:: c * * long a, b; * HPyTracker ht; * if (!HPyArg_Parse(ctx, &ht, args, nargs, "ll", &a, &b)) * return HPy_NULL; * ... * HPyTracker_Close(ctx, ht); * ... * * .. note:: * * Currently ``HPyArg_Parse`` never requires the use of an HPyTracker. * The option exists only to support releasing temporary storage used by * future format string codes (e.g. for character strings). */ int HPyArg_Parse(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker *ht, const HPy *args, size_t nargs, const char *fmt, ...) { const char *fmt1 = fmt; const char *err_fmt = NULL; const char *fmt_end = NULL; int optional = 0; size_t i = 0; HPy current_arg; fmt_end = parse_err_fmt(fmt, &err_fmt); if (ht != NULL) { *ht = HPyTracker_New(ctx, 0); if (HPy_IsNull(*ht)) { return 0; } } va_list vl; va_start(vl, fmt); while (fmt1 != fmt_end) { if (*fmt1 == '|') { optional = 1; fmt1++; continue; } current_arg = HPy_NULL; if (i < nargs) { current_arg = args[i]; } if (!HPy_IsNull(current_arg) || optional) { if (!parse_item(ctx, ht, current_arg, 0, &fmt1, &vl, err_fmt)) { goto error; } } else { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_TypeError, err_fmt, "required positional argument missing"); goto error; } i++; } if (i < nargs) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_TypeError, err_fmt, "mismatched args (too many arguments for fmt)"); goto error; } va_end(vl); return 1; error: va_end(vl); if (ht != NULL) { HPyTracker_Close(ctx, *ht); } return 0; }
static HPy find_keyword(HPyContext *ctx, HPy kwnames, HPy_ssize_t n_kwnames, const HPy *args, const char *key) { for (HPy_ssize_t i = 0; i < n_kwnames; i++) { HPy kwname = HPy_GetItem_i(ctx, kwnames, i); HPy h_key = HPyUnicode_FromString(ctx, key); int eq = HPy_RichCompareBool(ctx, kwname, h_key, HPy_EQ); HPy_Close(ctx, h_key); HPy_Close(ctx, kwname); if (eq) { return args[i]; } } return HPy_NULL; }
static int parse_keywords(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker *ht, const HPy *args, size_t nargs, HPy kw, int kwnames, const char *fmt, const char *keywords[], va_list *p_va) { const char *fmt1 = fmt; const char *err_fmt = NULL; const char *fmt_end = NULL; int optional = 0; int keyword_only = 0; size_t i = 0; size_t nkw = 0; HPy_ssize_t n_kwnames = 0; HPy current_arg; int current_arg_needs_closing = 0; assert(p_va != NULL); fmt_end = parse_err_fmt(fmt, &err_fmt); // first count positional only arguments while (keywords[nkw] != NULL && !*keywords[nkw]) { nkw++; } // then check and count the rest while (keywords[nkw] != NULL) { if (!*keywords[nkw]) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, err_fmt, "empty keyword parameter name"); return 0; } nkw++; } if (ht != NULL) { *ht = HPyTracker_New(ctx, 0); if (HPy_IsNull(*ht)) { return 0; } } if (kwnames && !HPy_IsNull(kw)) { n_kwnames = HPy_Length(ctx, kw); if (n_kwnames < 0) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, err_fmt, "could not retrieve length of keyword names tuple"); return 0; } } while (fmt1 != fmt_end) { if (*fmt1 == '|') { optional = 1; fmt1++; continue; } if (*fmt1 == '$') { optional = 1; keyword_only = 1; fmt1++; continue; } if (*fmt1 == 'O' && ht == NULL) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, err_fmt, "HPyArg_ParseKeywords cannot use the format character 'O' unless" " an HPyTracker is provided. Please supply an HPyTracker."); goto error; } if (i >= nkw) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_TypeError, err_fmt, "mismatched args (too few keywords for fmt)"); goto error; } current_arg = HPy_NULL; if (i < nargs) { if (keyword_only) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_TypeError, err_fmt, "keyword only argument passed as positional argument"); goto error; } current_arg = args[i]; } else if (!HPy_IsNull(kw) && *keywords[i]) { if (kwnames) { current_arg = find_keyword(ctx, kw, n_kwnames, args+nargs, keywords[i]); /* * Clear any error that was raised. If an error was raised * current_arg will be HPy_NULL and will be handled * appropriately below depending on whether the current argument * is optional or not. */ if (HPy_IsNull(current_arg)) { HPyErr_Clear(ctx); } } else { current_arg = HPy_GetItem_s(ctx, kw, keywords[i]); /* * Track the handle or clear any KeyError that was raised (for * the same reason as explained above). */ if (!HPy_IsNull(current_arg)) { current_arg_needs_closing = 1; } else { HPyErr_Clear(ctx); } } } if (!HPy_IsNull(current_arg) || optional) { if (!parse_item(ctx, ht, current_arg, 1, &fmt1, p_va, err_fmt)) { goto error; } } else { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_TypeError, err_fmt, "no value for required argument"); goto error; } if (current_arg_needs_closing) { HPy_Close(ctx, current_arg); current_arg_needs_closing = 0; } i++; } if (i != nkw) { set_error(ctx, ctx->h_TypeError, err_fmt, "mismatched args (too many keywords for fmt)"); goto error; } return 1; error: if (ht != NULL) { HPyTracker_Close(ctx, *ht); } if (current_arg_needs_closing) { HPy_Close(ctx, current_arg); } return 0; }
[docs]/** * Parse positional and keyword arguments. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param ht: * An optional pointer to an HPyTracker. If the format string never * results in new handles being created, ``ht`` may be ``NULL``. Currently * only the ``O`` formatting option to this function requires an HPyTracker. * :param args: * The array of positional arguments to parse. * :param nargs: * The number of elements in ``args``. * :param kwnames: * A handle to the tuple of keyword argument names (may be ``HPy_NULL``). * The values of the keyword arguments are appended to ``args``. Argument * ``nargs`` does not include the keyword argument count. * :param fmt: * The format string to use to parse the arguments. * :param keywords: * A ``NULL``-terminated array of argument names. The number of names * should match the format string provided. Positional only arguments * should have the name ``""`` (i.e. the null-terminated empty string). * Positional only arguments must preceded all other arguments. * :param ...: * A va_list of references to variables in which to store the parsed * arguments. The number and types of the arguments should match the * the format string, ``fmt``. * * :returns: ``0`` on failure, ``1`` on success. * * If a ``NULL`` pointer is passed to ``ht`` and an HPyTracker is required by * the format string, a ``SystemError`` will be raised. * * If a pointer is provided to ``ht``, the HPyTracker will always be created and * must be closed with ``HPyTracker_Close`` if parsing succeeds (after all * handles returned are no longer needed). If parsing fails, this function will * close the HPyTracker automatically. * * Examples: * * Using `HPyArg_ParseKeywords` without an `HPyTracker`: * * .. code-block:: c * * long a, b; * if (!HPyArg_ParseKeywords(ctx, NULL, args, nargs, kwnames, "ll", &a, &b)) * return HPy_NULL; * ... * * Using `HPyArg_ParseKeywords` with an `HPyTracker`: * * .. code-block:: c * * HPy a, b; * HPyTracker ht; * if (!HPyArg_ParseKeywords(ctx, &ht, args, nargs, kwnames, "OO", &a, &b)) * return HPy_NULL; * ... * HPyTracker_Close(ctx, ht); * ... * * .. note:: * * Currently ``HPyArg_ParseKeywords`` only requires the use of an * ``HPyTracker`` when the ``O`` format is used. In future other new format * string codes (e.g. for character strings) may also require it. */ int HPyArg_ParseKeywords(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker *ht, const HPy *args, size_t nargs, HPy kwnames, const char *fmt, const char *keywords[], ...) { int retval; va_list va; va_start(va, keywords); retval = parse_keywords(ctx, ht, args, nargs, kwnames, 1, fmt, keywords, &va); va_end(va); return retval; }
[docs]/** * Parse positional arguments and keyword arguments in a dict. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param ht: * An optional pointer to an HPyTracker. If the format string never * results in new handles being created, ``ht`` may be ``NULL``. Currently * only the ``O`` formatting option to this function requires an HPyTracker. * :param args: * The array of positional arguments to parse. * :param nargs: * The number of elements in ``args``. * :param kw: * A handle to the dictionary of keyword arguments (may be ``HPy_NULL``). * :param fmt: * The format string to use to parse the arguments. * :param keywords: * A ``NULL``-terminated array of argument names. The number of names * should match the format string provided. Positional only arguments * should have the name ``""`` (i.e. the null-terminated empty string). * Positional only arguments must preceded all other arguments. * :param ...: * A va_list of references to variables in which to store the parsed * arguments. The number and types of the arguments should match the * the format string, ``fmt``. * * :returns: ``0`` on failure, ``1`` on success. * * If a ``NULL`` pointer is passed to ``ht`` and an HPyTracker is required by * the format string, a ``SystemError`` will be raised. * * If a pointer is provided to ``ht``, the HPyTracker will always be created and * must be closed with ``HPyTracker_Close`` if parsing succeeds (after all * handles returned are no longer needed). If parsing fails, this function will * close the HPyTracker automatically. * * For examples, see :c:func:`HPyArg_ParseKeywords`. */ int HPyArg_ParseKeywordsDict(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker *ht, const HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs, HPy kw, const char *fmt, const char *keywords[], ...) { int retval; va_list va; va_start(va, keywords); retval = parse_keywords(ctx, ht, args, nargs, kw, 0, fmt, keywords, &va); va_end(va); return retval; }