Source code for autogen/public_api.h

#include "../../devel/include/hpy.h"
/* HPy public API */

 * IMPORTANT: In order to ensure backwards compatibility of HPyContext, it is
 * necessary to define the order of the context members. To do so, use macro
 * 'HPy_ID(idx)' for context handles and functions. When adding members, it
 * doesn't matter where they are located in this file. It's just important that
 * the maximum context index is incremented by exactly one.

#ifdef AUTOGEN

/* Constants */
 HPy h_None;
 HPy h_True;
 HPy h_False;
 HPy h_NotImplemented;
 HPy h_Ellipsis;

/* Exceptions */
 HPy h_BaseException;
 HPy h_Exception;
 HPy h_StopAsyncIteration;
 HPy h_StopIteration;
 HPy h_GeneratorExit;
 HPy h_ArithmeticError;
 HPy h_LookupError;
 HPy h_AssertionError;
 HPy h_AttributeError;
 HPy h_BufferError;
 HPy h_EOFError;
 HPy h_FloatingPointError;
 HPy h_OSError;
 HPy h_ImportError;
 HPy h_ModuleNotFoundError;
 HPy h_IndexError;
 HPy h_KeyError;
 HPy h_KeyboardInterrupt;
 HPy h_MemoryError;
 HPy h_NameError;
 HPy h_OverflowError;
 HPy h_RuntimeError;
 HPy h_RecursionError;
 HPy h_NotImplementedError;
 HPy h_SyntaxError;
 HPy h_IndentationError;
 HPy h_TabError;
 HPy h_ReferenceError;
 HPy h_SystemError;
 HPy h_SystemExit;
 HPy h_TypeError;
 HPy h_UnboundLocalError;
 HPy h_UnicodeError;
 HPy h_UnicodeEncodeError;
 HPy h_UnicodeDecodeError;
 HPy h_UnicodeTranslateError;
 HPy h_ValueError;
 HPy h_ZeroDivisionError;
 HPy h_BlockingIOError;
 HPy h_BrokenPipeError;
 HPy h_ChildProcessError;
 HPy h_ConnectionError;
 HPy h_ConnectionAbortedError;
 HPy h_ConnectionRefusedError;
 HPy h_ConnectionResetError;
 HPy h_FileExistsError;
 HPy h_FileNotFoundError;
 HPy h_InterruptedError;
 HPy h_IsADirectoryError;
 HPy h_NotADirectoryError;
 HPy h_PermissionError;
 HPy h_ProcessLookupError;
 HPy h_TimeoutError;
// EnvironmentError, IOError and WindowsError are intentionally omitted (they
// are all aliases of OSError since Python 3.3).

/* Warnings */
 HPy h_Warning;
 HPy h_UserWarning;
 HPy h_DeprecationWarning;
 HPy h_PendingDeprecationWarning;
 HPy h_SyntaxWarning;
 HPy h_RuntimeWarning;
 HPy h_FutureWarning;
 HPy h_ImportWarning;
 HPy h_UnicodeWarning;
 HPy h_BytesWarning;
 HPy h_ResourceWarning;

/* Types */
 HPy h_BaseObjectType;   /* built-in 'object' */
 HPy h_TypeType;         /* built-in 'type' */
 HPy h_BoolType;         /* built-in 'bool' */
 HPy h_LongType;         /* built-in 'int' */
 HPy h_FloatType;        /* built-in 'float' */
 HPy h_UnicodeType;      /* built-in 'str' */
 HPy h_TupleType;        /* built-in 'tuple' */
 HPy h_ListType;         /* built-in 'list' */
 HPy h_ComplexType;     /* built-in 'complex' */
 HPy h_BytesType;       /* built-in 'bytes' */
 HPy h_MemoryViewType;  /* built-in 'memoryview' */
 HPy h_CapsuleType;     /* built-in 'capsule' */
 HPy h_SliceType;       /* built-in 'slice' */

/* Reflection */
 HPy h_Builtins;        /* dict of builtins */


HPy HPy_Dup(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void HPy_Close(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyLong_FromInt32_t(HPyContext *ctx, int32_t value);
HPy HPyLong_FromUInt32_t(HPyContext *ctx, uint32_t value);
HPy HPyLong_FromInt64_t(HPyContext *ctx, int64_t v);
HPy HPyLong_FromUInt64_t(HPyContext *ctx, uint64_t v);
HPy HPyLong_FromSize_t(HPyContext *ctx, size_t value);
HPy HPyLong_FromSsize_t(HPyContext *ctx, HPy_ssize_t value);
int32_t HPyLong_AsInt32_t(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
uint32_t HPyLong_AsUInt32_t(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
uint32_t HPyLong_AsUInt32_tMask(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
int64_t HPyLong_AsInt64_t(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
uint64_t HPyLong_AsUInt64_t(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
uint64_t HPyLong_AsUInt64_tMask(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
size_t HPyLong_AsSize_t(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy_ssize_t HPyLong_AsSsize_t(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* HPyLong_AsVoidPtr(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
double HPyLong_AsDouble(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyFloat_FromDouble(HPyContext *ctx, double v);
double HPyFloat_AsDouble(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyBool_FromBool(HPyContext *ctx, bool v);
/* abstract.h */
HPy_ssize_t HPy_Length(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
int HPyNumber_Check(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPy_Add(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Subtract(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Multiply(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_MatrixMultiply(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_FloorDivide(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_TrueDivide(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Remainder(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Divmod(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Power(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2, HPy h3);
HPy HPy_Negative(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1);
HPy HPy_Positive(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1);
HPy HPy_Absolute(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1);
HPy HPy_Invert(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1);
HPy HPy_Lshift(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Rshift(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_And(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Xor(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Or(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_Index(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1);
HPy HPy_Long(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1);
HPy HPy_Float(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1);
HPy HPy_InPlaceAdd(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceSubtract(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceMultiply(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceMatrixMultiply(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceFloorDivide(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceTrueDivide(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceRemainder(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlacePower(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2, HPy h3);
HPy HPy_InPlaceLshift(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceRshift(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceAnd(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceXor(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
HPy HPy_InPlaceOr(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h1, HPy h2);
int HPyCallable_Check(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
[docs]/** * Call a Python object. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param callable: * A handle to the Python object to call (must not be ``HPy_NULL``). * :param args: * A handle to a tuple containing the positional arguments (must not be * ``HPy_NULL`` but can, of course, be empty). * :param kw: * A handle to a Python dictionary containing the keyword arguments (may be * ``HPy_NULL``). * * :returns: * The result of the call on success, or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of an error. */ HPy HPy_CallTupleDict(HPyContext *ctx, HPy callable, HPy args, HPy kw);
[docs]/** * Call a Python object. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param callable: * A handle to the Python object to call (must not be ``HPy_NULL``). * :param args: * A pointer to an array of positional and keyword arguments. This argument * must not be ``NULL`` if ``nargs > 0`` or * ``HPy_Length(ctx, kwnames) > 0``. * :param nargs: * The number of positional arguments in ``args``. * :param kwnames: * A handle to the tuple of keyword argument names (may be ``HPy_NULL``). * The values of the keyword arguments are also passed in ``args`` appended * to the positional arguments. Argument ``nargs`` does not include the * keyword argument count. * * :returns: * The result of the call on success, or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of an error. */ HPy HPy_Call(HPyContext *ctx, HPy callable, const HPy *args, size_t nargs, HPy kwnames);
[docs]/** * Call a method of a Python object. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param name: * A handle to the name (a Unicode object) of the method. Must not be * ``HPy_NULL``. * :param args: * A pointer to an array of the arguments. The receiver is ``args[0]``, and * the positional and keyword arguments are starting at ``args[1]``. This * argument must not be ``NULL`` since a receiver is always required. * :param nargs: * The number of positional arguments in ``args`` including the receiver at * ``args[0]`` (therefore, ``nargs`` must be at least ``1``). * :param kwnames: * A handle to the tuple of keyword argument names (may be ``HPy_NULL``). * The values of the keyword arguments are also passed in ``args`` appended * to the positional arguments. Argument ``nargs`` does not include the * keyword argument count. * * :returns: * The result of the call on success, or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of an error. */ HPy HPy_CallMethod(HPyContext *ctx, HPy name, const HPy *args, size_t nargs, HPy kwnames);
/* pyerrors.h */
[docs]void HPy_FatalError(HPyContext *ctx, const char *message);
[docs]HPy HPyErr_SetString(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h_type, const char *utf8_message);
[docs]HPy HPyErr_SetObject(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h_type, HPy h_value);
[docs]/** * Similar to :c:func:`HPyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObjects` but takes one * filename (a C string) that will be decoded using * :c:func:`HPyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault`. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param h_type: * The exception type to raise. * :param filename_fsencoded: * a filename; may be ``NULL`` * * :return: * always returns ``HPy_NULL`` */ HPy HPyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilename(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h_type, const char *filename_fsencoded);
[docs]/** * A convenience function to raise an exception when a C library function has * returned an error and set the C variable ``errno``. It constructs an * instance of the provided exception type ``h_type`` by calling * ``h_type(errno, strerror(errno), filename1, 0, filename2)``. The exception * instance is then raised. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param h_type: * The exception type to raise. * :param filename1: * A filename; may be ``HPy_NULL``. In the case of ``h_type`` is the * ``OSError`` exception, this is used to define the filename attribute of * the exception instance. * :param filename2: * another filename argument; may be ``HPy_NULL`` * * :return: * always returns ``HPy_NULL`` */ HPy HPyErr_SetFromErrnoWithFilenameObjects(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h_type, HPy filename1, HPy filename2);
/* note: HPyErr_Occurred() returns a flag 0-or-1, instead of a 'PyObject *' */
[docs]int HPyErr_Occurred(HPyContext *ctx);
[docs]int HPyErr_ExceptionMatches(HPyContext *ctx, HPy exc);
[docs]HPy HPyErr_NoMemory(HPyContext *ctx);
[docs]void HPyErr_Clear(HPyContext *ctx);
[docs]HPy HPyErr_NewException(HPyContext *ctx, const char *utf8_name, HPy base, HPy dict);
[docs]HPy HPyErr_NewExceptionWithDoc(HPyContext *ctx, const char *utf8_name, const char *utf8_doc, HPy base, HPy dict);
[docs]int HPyErr_WarnEx(HPyContext *ctx, HPy category, const char *utf8_message, HPy_ssize_t stack_level);
[docs]void HPyErr_WriteUnraisable(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj);
/* object.h */
[docs]int HPy_IsTrue(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
[docs]/** * Create a type from a :c:struct:`HPyType_Spec` and an additional list of * specification parameters. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param spec: * The type spec to use to create the type. * :param params: * A 0-terminated list of type specification parameters or ``NULL``. * * :returns: a handle of the created type on success, ``HPy_NULL`` on failure. */ HPy HPyType_FromSpec(HPyContext *ctx, HPyType_Spec *spec, HPyType_SpecParam *params);
HPy HPyType_GenericNew(HPyContext *ctx, HPy type, const HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs, HPy kw);
[docs]HPy HPy_GetAttr(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy name);
[docs]HPy HPy_GetAttr_s(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, const char *utf8_name);
[docs]int HPy_HasAttr(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy name);
[docs]int HPy_HasAttr_s(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, const char *utf8_name);
[docs]int HPy_SetAttr(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy name, HPy value);
[docs]int HPy_SetAttr_s(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, const char *utf8_name, HPy value);
[docs]HPy HPy_GetItem(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy key);
[docs]HPy HPy_GetItem_i(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy_ssize_t idx);
[docs]HPy HPy_GetItem_s(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, const char *utf8_key);
int HPy_Contains(HPyContext *ctx, HPy container, HPy key);
[docs]int HPy_SetItem(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy key, HPy value);
[docs]int HPy_SetItem_i(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy_ssize_t idx, HPy value);
[docs]int HPy_SetItem_s(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, const char *utf8_key, HPy value);
[docs]int HPy_DelItem(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy key);
[docs]int HPy_DelItem_i(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy_ssize_t idx);
[docs]int HPy_DelItem_s(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, const char *utf8_key);
[docs]/** * Returns the type of the given object ``obj``. * * On failure, raises ``SystemError`` and returns ``HPy_NULL``. This is * equivalent to the Python expression``type(obj)``. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param obj: * a Python object (must not be ``HPy_NULL``) * * :returns: * The type of ``obj`` or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of errors. */ HPy HPy_Type(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj);
[docs]/** * Checks if ``ob`` is an instance of ``type`` or any subtype of ``type``. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param obj: * a Python object (must not be ``HPy_NULL``) * :param type: * A Python type object. This argument must not be ``HPy_NULL`` and must be * a type (i.e. it must inherit from Python ``type``). If this is not the * case, the behavior is undefined (verification of the argument is only * done in debug mode). * * :returns: * Non-zero if object ``obj`` is an instance of type ``type`` or an instance * of a subtype of ``type``, and ``0`` otherwise. */ int HPy_TypeCheck(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy type);
[docs]/** * Return the type's name. * * Equivalent to getting the type's ``__name__`` attribute. If you want to * retrieve the type's name as a handle that refers to a ``str``, then just use * ``HPy_GetAttr_s(ctx, type, "__name__")``. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param type: * A Python type object. This argument must not be ``HPy_NULL`` and must be * a type (i.e. it must inherit from Python ``type``). If this is not the * case, the behavior is undefined (verification of the argument is only * done in debug mode). * * :returns: * The name of the type as C string (UTF-8 encoded) or ``NULL`` in case of * an error. The returned pointer is read-only and guaranteed to be valid as * long as the handle ``type`` is valid. */ const char *HPyType_GetName(HPyContext *ctx, HPy type);
[docs]/** * Checks if ``sub`` is a subtype of ``type``. * * This function only checks for actual subtypes, which means that * ``__subclasscheck__()`` is not called on ``type``. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param sub: * A Python type object. This argument must not be ``HPy_NULL`` and must be * a type (i.e. it must inherit from Python ``type``). If this is not the * case, the behavior is undefined (verification of the argument is only * done in debug mode). * :param type: * A Python type object. This argument must not be ``HPy_NULL`` and must be * a type (i.e. it must inherit from Python ``type``). If this is not the * case, the behavior is undefined (verification of the argument is only * done in debug mode). * * :returns: * Non-zero if ``sub`` is a subtype of ``type``. */ int HPyType_IsSubtype(HPyContext *ctx, HPy sub, HPy type);
[docs]int HPy_Is(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, HPy other);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_Object(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_Legacy(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_Type(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_Long(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_Float(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_Unicode(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_Tuple(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
void* _HPy_AsStruct_List(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPyType_BuiltinShape _HPyType_GetBuiltinShape(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h_type);
HPy _HPy_New(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h_type, void **data);
[docs]HPy HPy_Repr(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj);
[docs]HPy HPy_Str(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj);
[docs]HPy HPy_ASCII(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj);
[docs]HPy HPy_Bytes(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj);
[docs]HPy HPy_RichCompare(HPyContext *ctx, HPy v, HPy w, int op);
[docs]int HPy_RichCompareBool(HPyContext *ctx, HPy v, HPy w, int op);
[docs]HPy_hash_t HPy_Hash(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj);
/* bytesobject.h */
int HPyBytes_Check(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy_ssize_t HPyBytes_Size(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy_ssize_t HPyBytes_GET_SIZE(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
const char* HPyBytes_AsString(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
const char* HPyBytes_AS_STRING(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyBytes_FromString(HPyContext *ctx, const char *bytes);
HPy HPyBytes_FromStringAndSize(HPyContext *ctx, const char *bytes, HPy_ssize_t len);
/* unicodeobject.h */
HPy HPyUnicode_FromString(HPyContext *ctx, const char *utf8);
int HPyUnicode_Check(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyUnicode_AsASCIIString(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyUnicode_AsLatin1String(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyUnicode_AsUTF8String(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
const char* HPyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h, HPy_ssize_t *size);
HPy HPyUnicode_FromWideChar(HPyContext *ctx, const wchar_t *w, HPy_ssize_t size);
HPy HPyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(HPyContext *ctx, const char *v);
HPy HPyUnicode_DecodeFSDefaultAndSize(HPyContext *ctx, const char *v, HPy_ssize_t size);
HPy HPyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy_UCS4 HPyUnicode_ReadChar(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h, HPy_ssize_t index);
HPy HPyUnicode_DecodeASCII(HPyContext *ctx, const char *ascii, HPy_ssize_t size, const char *errors);
HPy HPyUnicode_DecodeLatin1(HPyContext *ctx, const char *latin1, HPy_ssize_t size, const char *errors);
/** * Decode a bytes-like object to a Unicode object. * * The bytes of the bytes-like object are decoded according to the given * encoding and using the error handling defined by ``errors``. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param obj: * A bytes-like object. This can be, for example, Python *bytes*, * *bytearray*, *memoryview*, *array.array* and objects that support the * Buffer protocol. If this argument is `HPy_NULL``, a ``SystemError`` will * be raised. If the argument is not a bytes-like object, a ``TypeError`` * will be raised. * :param encoding: * The name (UTF-8 encoded C string) of the encoding to use. If the encoding * does not exist, a ``LookupError`` will be raised. If this argument is * ``NULL``, the default encoding ``UTF-8`` will be used. * :param errors: * The error handling (UTF-8 encoded C string) to use when decoding. The * possible values depend on the used encoding. This argument may be * ``NULL`` in which case it will default to ``"strict"``. * * :returns: * A handle to a ``str`` object created from the decoded bytes or * ``HPy_NULL`` in case of errors. */ HPy HPyUnicode_FromEncodedObject(HPyContext *ctx, HPy obj, const char *encoding, const char *errors);
/** * Return a substring of ``str``, from character index ``start`` (included) to * character index ``end`` (excluded). * * Indices ``start`` and ``end`` must not be negative, otherwise an * ``IndexError`` will be raised. If ``start >= len(str)`` or if * ``end < start``, an empty string will be returned. If ``end > len(str)`` then * ``end == len(str)`` will be assumed. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param str: * A Python Unicode object (must not be ``HPy_NULL``). Otherwise, the * behavior is undefined (verification of the argument is only done in * debug mode). * :param start: * The non-negative start index (inclusive). * :param end: * The non-negative end index (exclusive). * * :returns: * The requested substring or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of an error. */ HPy HPyUnicode_Substring(HPyContext *ctx, HPy str, HPy_ssize_t start, HPy_ssize_t end);
/* listobject.h */
int HPyList_Check(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyList_New(HPyContext *ctx, HPy_ssize_t len);
int HPyList_Append(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h_list, HPy h_item);
/* dictobject.h */
[docs]/** * Tests if an object is an instance of a Python dict. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param h: * A handle to an arbitrary object (must not be ``HPy_NULL``). * * :returns: * Non-zero if object ``h`` is an instance of type ``dict`` or an instance * of a subtype of ``dict``, and ``0`` otherwise. */ int HPyDict_Check(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
[docs]/** * Creates a new empty Python dictionary. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * * :returns: * A handle to the new and empty Python dictionary or ``HPy_NULL`` in case * of an error. */ HPy HPyDict_New(HPyContext *ctx);
[docs]/** * Returns a list of all keys from the dictionary. * * Note: This function will directly access the storage of the dict object and * therefore ignores if method ``keys`` was overwritten. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param h: * A Python dict object. If this argument is ``HPy_NULL`` or not an * instance of a Python dict, a ``SystemError`` will be raised. * * :returns: * A Python list object containing all keys of the given dictionary or * ``HPy_NULL`` in case of an error. */ HPy HPyDict_Keys(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
[docs]/** * Creates a copy of the provided Python dict object. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param h: * A Python dict object. If this argument is ``HPy_NULL`` or not an * instance of a Python dict, a ``SystemError`` will be raised. * * :returns: * Return a new dictionary that contains the same key-value pairs as ``h`` * or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of an error. */ HPy HPyDict_Copy(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
/* tupleobject.h */
int HPyTuple_Check(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
HPy HPyTuple_FromArray(HPyContext *ctx, HPy items[], HPy_ssize_t n);
// note: HPyTuple_Pack is implemented as a macro in common/macros.h /* sliceobject.h */
/** * Extract the start, stop and step data members from a slice object as C * integers. * * The slice members may be arbitrary int-like objects. If they are not Python * int objects, they will be coerced to int objects by calling their * ``__index__`` method. * * If a slice member value is out of bounds, it will be set to the maximum value * of ``HPy_ssize_t`` if the member was a positive number, or to the minimum * value of ``HPy_ssize_t`` if it was a negative number. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param slice: * A handle to a Python slice object. This argument must be a slice object * and must not be ``HPy_NULL``. Otherwise, behavior is undefined. * :param start: * A pointer to a variable where to write the unpacked slice start. Must not * be ``NULL``. * :param end: * A pointer to a variable where to write the unpacked slice end. Must not * :param step: * A pointer to a variable where to write the unpacked slice step. Must not * be ``NULL``. * * :returns: * ``-1`` on error, ``0`` on success */ int HPySlice_Unpack(HPyContext *ctx, HPy slice, HPy_ssize_t *start, HPy_ssize_t *stop, HPy_ssize_t *step);
/* import.h */
HPy HPyImport_ImportModule(HPyContext *ctx, const char *utf8_name);
/* pycapsule.h */
HPy HPyCapsule_New(HPyContext *ctx, void *pointer, const char *utf8_name, HPyCapsule_Destructor *destructor);
void* HPyCapsule_Get(HPyContext *ctx, HPy capsule, _HPyCapsule_key key, const char *utf8_name);
int HPyCapsule_IsValid(HPyContext *ctx, HPy capsule, const char *utf8_name);
int HPyCapsule_Set(HPyContext *ctx, HPy capsule, _HPyCapsule_key key, void *value);
/* integration with the old CPython API */
HPy HPy_FromPyObject(HPyContext *ctx, cpy_PyObject *obj);
cpy_PyObject *HPy_AsPyObject(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
/* internal helpers which need to be exposed to modules for practical reasons :( */
void _HPy_CallRealFunctionFromTrampoline(HPyContext *ctx, HPyFunc_Signature sig, HPyCFunction func, void *args);
/* Builders */
[docs]/** * Create a new list builder for ``size`` elements. The builder is then able to * take at most ``size`` elements. This function does not raise any * exception (even if running out of memory). * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param size: * The number of elements to hold. */ HPyListBuilder HPyListBuilder_New(HPyContext *ctx, HPy_ssize_t size);
[docs]/** * Assign an element to a certain index of the builder. Valid indices are in * range ``0 <= index < size`` where ``size`` is the value passed to * :c:func:`HPyListBuilder_New`. This function does not raise any exception. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param builder: * A list builder handle. * :param index: * The index to assign the object to. * :param h_item: * An HPy handle of the object to store or ``HPy_NULL``. Please note that * HPy **never** steals handles and so, ``h_item`` needs to be closed by * the caller. */ void HPyListBuilder_Set(HPyContext *ctx, HPyListBuilder builder, HPy_ssize_t index, HPy h_item);
[docs]/** * Build a list from a list builder. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param builder: * A list builder handle. * * :returns: * An HPy handle to a list containing the values inserted with * :c:func:`HPyListBuilder_Set` or ``HPy_NULL`` in case an error occurred * during building or earlier when creating the builder or setting the * items. */ HPy HPyListBuilder_Build(HPyContext *ctx, HPyListBuilder builder);
[docs]/** * Cancel building of a tuple and free any acquired resources. * This function ignores if any error occurred previously when using the tuple * builder. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param builder: * A tuple builder handle. */ void HPyListBuilder_Cancel(HPyContext *ctx, HPyListBuilder builder);
[docs]/** * Create a new tuple builder for ``size`` elements. The builder is then able * to take at most ``size`` elements. This function does not raise any * exception (even if running out of memory). * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param size: * The number of elements to hold. */ HPyTupleBuilder HPyTupleBuilder_New(HPyContext *ctx, HPy_ssize_t size);
[docs]/** * Assign an element to a certain index of the builder. Valid indices are in * range ``0 <= index < size`` where ``size`` is the value passed to * :c:func:`HPyTupleBuilder_New`. This function does not raise * any exception. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param builder: * A tuple builder handle. * :param index: * The index to assign the object to. * :param h_item: * An HPy handle of the object to store or ``HPy_NULL``. Please note that * HPy **never** steals handles and so, ``h_item`` needs to be closed by * the caller. */ void HPyTupleBuilder_Set(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTupleBuilder builder, HPy_ssize_t index, HPy h_item);
[docs]/** * Build a tuple from a tuple builder. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param builder: * A tuple builder handle. * * :returns: * An HPy handle to a tuple containing the values inserted with * :c:func:`HPyTupleBuilder_Set` or ``HPy_NULL`` in case an error occurred * during building or earlier when creating the builder or setting the * items. */ HPy HPyTupleBuilder_Build(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTupleBuilder builder);
[docs]/** * Cancel building of a tuple and free any acquired resources. * This function ignores if any error occurred previously when using the tuple * builder. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param builder: * A tuple builder handle. */ void HPyTupleBuilder_Cancel(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTupleBuilder builder);
/* Helper for correctly closing handles */
HPyTracker HPyTracker_New(HPyContext *ctx, HPy_ssize_t size);
int HPyTracker_Add(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker ht, HPy h);
void HPyTracker_ForgetAll(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker ht);
void HPyTracker_Close(HPyContext *ctx, HPyTracker ht);
[docs]/** * HPyFields should be used ONLY in parts of memory which is known to the GC, * e.g. memory allocated by HPy_New: * * - NEVER declare a local variable of type HPyField * - NEVER use HPyField on a struct allocated by e.g. malloc() * * **CPython's note**: contrary to PyObject*, you don't need to manually * manage refcounting when using HPyField: if you use HPyField_Store to * overwrite an existing value, the old object will be automatically decrefed. * This means that you CANNOT use HPyField_Store to write memory which * contains uninitialized values, because it would try to decref a dangling * pointer. * * Note that HPy_New automatically zeroes the memory it allocates, so * everything works well out of the box. In case you are using manually * allocated memory, you should initialize the HPyField to HPyField_NULL. * * Note the difference: * * - ``obj->f = HPyField_NULL``: this should be used only to initialize * uninitialized memory. If you use it to overwrite a valid HPyField, you * will cause a memory leak (at least on CPython) * * - HPyField_Store(ctx, &obj->f, HPy_NULL): this does the right thing and * decref the old value. However, you CANNOT use it if the memory is not * initialized. * * Note: target_object and source_object are there in case an implementation * needs to add write and/or read barriers on the objects. They are ignored by * CPython but e.g. PyPy needs a write barrier. */ void HPyField_Store(HPyContext *ctx, HPy target_object, HPyField *target_field, HPy h);
[docs]HPy HPyField_Load(HPyContext *ctx, HPy source_object, HPyField source_field);
[docs]/** * Leaving Python execution: for releasing GIL and other use-cases. * * In most situations, users should prefer using convenience macros: * HPy_BEGIN_LEAVE_PYTHON(context)/HPy_END_LEAVE_PYTHON(context) * * HPy extensions may leave Python execution when running Python independent * code: long-running computations or blocking operations. When an extension * has left the Python execution it must not call any HPy API other than * HPy_ReenterPythonExecution. It can access pointers returned by HPy API, * e.g., HPyUnicode_AsUTF8String, provided that they are valid at the point * of calling HPy_LeavePythonExecution. * * Python execution must be reentered on the same thread as where it was left. * The leave/enter calls must not be nested. Debug mode will, in the future, * enforce these constraints. * * Python implementations may use this knowledge however they wish. The most * obvious use case is to release the GIL, in which case the * HPy_BEGIN_LEAVE_PYTHON/HPy_END_LEAVE_PYTHON becomes equivalent to * Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS/Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS. */ void HPy_ReenterPythonExecution(HPyContext *ctx, HPyThreadState state);
[docs]HPyThreadState HPy_LeavePythonExecution(HPyContext *ctx);
[docs]/** * HPyGlobal is an alternative to module state. HPyGlobal must be a statically * allocated C global variable registered in HPyModuleDef.globals array. * A HPyGlobal can be used only after the HPy module where it is registered was * created using HPyModule_Create. * * HPyGlobal serves as an identifier of a Python object that should be globally * available per one Python interpreter. Python objects referenced by HPyGlobals * are destroyed automatically on the interpreter exit (not necessarily the * process exit). * * HPyGlobal instance does not allow anything else but loading and storing * a HPy handle using a HPyContext. Even if the HPyGlobal C variable may * be shared between threads or different interpreter instances within one * process, the API to load and store a handle from HPyGlobal is thread-safe (but * like any other HPy API must not be called in HPy_LeavePythonExecution blocks). * * Given that a handle to object X1 is stored to HPyGlobal using HPyContext of * Python interpreter I1, then loading a handle from the same HPyGlobal using * HPyContext of Python interpreter I1 should give a handle to the same object * X1. Another Python interpreter I2 running within the same process and using * the same HPyGlobal variable will not be able to load X1 from it, it will have * its own view on what is stored in the given HPyGlobal. * * Python interpreters may use indirection to isolate different interpreter * instances, but alternative techniques such as copy-on-write or immortal * objects can be used to avoid that indirection (even selectively on per * object basis using tagged pointers). * * CPython HPy implementation may even provide configuration option that * switches between a faster version that directly stores PyObject* to * HPyGlobal but does not support subinterpreters, or a version that supports * subinterpreters. For now, CPython HPy always stores PyObject* directly * to HPyGlobal. * * While the standard implementation does not fully enforce the documented * contract, the HPy debug mode will enforce it (not implemented yet). * * **Implementation notes:** * All Python interpreters running in one process must be compatible, because * they will share all HPyGlobal C level variables. The internal data stored * in HPyGlobal are specific for each HPy implementation, each implementation * is also responsible for handling thread-safety when initializing the * internal data in HPyModule_Create. Note that HPyModule_Create may be called * concurrently depending on the semantics of the Python implementation (GIL vs * no GIL) and also depending on the whether there may be multiple instances of * given Python interpreter running within the same process. In the future, HPy * ABI may include a contract that internal data of each HPyGlobal must be * initialized to its address using atomic write and HPy implementations will * not be free to choose what to store in HPyGlobal, however, this will allow * multiple different HPy implementations within one process. This contract may * also be activated only by some runtime option, letting the HPy implementation * use more optimized HPyGlobal implementation otherwise. */ void HPyGlobal_Store(HPyContext *ctx, HPyGlobal *global, HPy h);
[docs]HPy HPyGlobal_Load(HPyContext *ctx, HPyGlobal global);
/* Debugging helpers */
void _HPy_Dump(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h);
/* Evaluating Python statements/expressions */
[docs]/** * Parse and compile the Python source code. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param utf8_source: * Python source code given as UTF-8 encoded C string (must not be ``NULL``). * :param utf8_filename: * The filename (UTF-8 encoded C string) to use for construction of the code * object. It may appear in tracebacks or in ``SyntaxError`` exception * messages. * :param kind: * The source kind which tells the parser if a single expression, statement, * or a whole file should be parsed (see enum :c:enum:`HPy_SourceKind`). * * :returns: * A Python code object resulting from the parsed and compiled Python source * code or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of errors. */ HPy HPy_Compile_s(HPyContext *ctx, const char *utf8_source, const char *utf8_filename, HPy_SourceKind kind);
[docs]/** * Evaluate a precompiled code object. * * Code objects can be compiled from a string using :c:func:`HPy_Compile_s`. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param code: * The code object to evaluate. * :param globals: * A Python dictionary defining the global variables for the evaluation. * :param locals: * A mapping object defining the local variables for the evaluation. * * :returns: * The result produced by the executed code. May be ``HPy_NULL`` in case of * errors. */ HPy HPy_EvalCode(HPyContext *ctx, HPy code, HPy globals, HPy locals);
HPy HPyContextVar_New(HPyContext *ctx, const char *name, HPy default_value);
int32_t HPyContextVar_Get(HPyContext *ctx, HPy context_var, HPy default_value, HPy *result);
HPy HPyContextVar_Set(HPyContext *ctx, HPy context_var, HPy value);
[docs]/** * Set the call function for the given object. * * By defining slot ``HPy_tp_call`` for some type, instances of this type will * be callable objects. The specified call function will be used by default for * every instance. This should account for the most common case (every instance * of an object uses the same call function) but to still provide the necessary * flexibility, function ``HPy_SetCallFunction`` allows to set different (maybe * specialized) call functions for each instance. This must be done in the * constructor of an object. * * A more detailed description on how to use that function can be found in * section :ref:`porting-guide:calling protocol`. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param h: * A handle to an object implementing the call protocol, i.e., the object's * type must have slot ``HPy_tp_call``. Otherwise, a ``TypeError`` will be * raised. This argument must not be ``HPy_NULL``. * :param def: * A pointer to the call function definition to set (must not be * ``NULL``). The definition is usually created using * :c:macro:`HPyDef_CALL_FUNCTION` * * :returns: * ``0`` in case of success and ``-1`` in case of an error. */ int HPy_SetCallFunction(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h, HPyCallFunction *func);
/* ******* hpyfunc ******* These typedefs are used to generate the various macros used by include/common/hpyfunc.h */
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_noargs)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_o)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self, HPy arg);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_varargs)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self, const HPy *args, size_t nargs);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_keywords)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self, const HPy *args, size_t nargs, HPy kwnames);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_unaryfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_binaryfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_ternaryfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_inquiry)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef HPy_ssize_t (*HPyFunc_lenfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_ssizeargfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy_ssize_t);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_ssizessizeargfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy_ssize_t, HPy_ssize_t);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_ssizeobjargproc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy_ssize_t, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_ssizessizeobjargproc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy_ssize_t, HPy_ssize_t, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_objobjargproc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy, HPy);
typedef void (*HPyFunc_freefunc)(HPyContext *ctx, void *);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_getattrfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, char *);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_getattrofunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_setattrfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, char *, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_setattrofunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy, HPy);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_reprfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef HPy_hash_t (*HPyFunc_hashfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_richcmpfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy, HPy_RichCmpOp);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_getiterfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_iternextfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_descrgetfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_descrsetfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_initproc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self, const HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs, HPy kw);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_newfunc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy type, const HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs, HPy kw);
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_getter)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, void *);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_setter)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy, void *);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_objobjproc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_getbufferproc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy_buffer *, int);
typedef void (*HPyFunc_releasebufferproc)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy, HPy_buffer *);
typedef int (*HPyFunc_traverseproc)(void *object, HPyFunc_visitproc visit, void *arg);
typedef void (*HPyFunc_destructor)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
typedef void (*HPyFunc_destroyfunc)(void *);
// Note: separate type, because we need a different trampoline
typedef HPy (*HPyFunc_mod_create)(HPyContext *ctx, HPy);
/* ~~~ HPySlot_Slot ~~~ The following enum is used to generate autogen_hpyslot.h, which contains: - The real definition of the enum HPySlot_Slot - the macros #define _HPySlot_SIGNATURE_* */ // NOTE: if you uncomment/enable a slot below, make sure to write a corresponding // test in /* Note that the magic numbers are the same as CPython */
typedef enum {
HPy_bf_getbuffer = SLOT(1, HPyFunc_GETBUFFERPROC),
HPy_bf_releasebuffer = SLOT(2, HPyFunc_RELEASEBUFFERPROC),
HPy_mp_ass_subscript = SLOT(3, HPyFunc_OBJOBJARGPROC),
HPy_mp_length = SLOT(4, HPyFunc_LENFUNC),
HPy_mp_subscript = SLOT(5, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_absolute = SLOT(6, HPyFunc_UNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_add = SLOT(7, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_and = SLOT(8, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_bool = SLOT(9, HPyFunc_INQUIRY),
HPy_nb_divmod = SLOT(10, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_float = SLOT(11, HPyFunc_UNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_floor_divide = SLOT(12, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_index = SLOT(13, HPyFunc_UNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_add = SLOT(14, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_and = SLOT(15, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_floor_divide = SLOT(16, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_lshift = SLOT(17, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_multiply = SLOT(18, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_or = SLOT(19, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_power = SLOT(20, HPyFunc_TERNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_remainder = SLOT(21, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_rshift = SLOT(22, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_subtract = SLOT(23, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_true_divide = SLOT(24, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_xor = SLOT(25, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_int = SLOT(26, HPyFunc_UNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_invert = SLOT(27, HPyFunc_UNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_lshift = SLOT(28, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_multiply = SLOT(29, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_negative = SLOT(30, HPyFunc_UNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_or = SLOT(31, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_positive = SLOT(32, HPyFunc_UNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_power = SLOT(33, HPyFunc_TERNARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_remainder = SLOT(34, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_rshift = SLOT(35, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_subtract = SLOT(36, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_true_divide = SLOT(37, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_xor = SLOT(38, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_sq_ass_item = SLOT(39, HPyFunc_SSIZEOBJARGPROC),
HPy_sq_concat = SLOT(40, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_sq_contains = SLOT(41, HPyFunc_OBJOBJPROC),
HPy_sq_inplace_concat = SLOT(42, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_sq_inplace_repeat = SLOT(43, HPyFunc_SSIZEARGFUNC),
HPy_sq_item = SLOT(44, HPyFunc_SSIZEARGFUNC),
HPy_sq_length = SLOT(45, HPyFunc_LENFUNC),
HPy_sq_repeat = SLOT(46, HPyFunc_SSIZEARGFUNC),
//HPy_tp_alloc = SLOT(47, HPyFunc_X), NOT SUPPORTED //HPy_tp_base = SLOT(48, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_bases = SLOT(49, HPyFunc_X),
HPy_tp_call = SLOT(50, HPyFunc_KEYWORDS),
//HPy_tp_clear = SLOT(51, HPyFunc_X), NOT SUPPORTED, use tp_traverse //HPy_tp_dealloc = SLOT(52, HPyFunc_X), NOT SUPPORTED //HPy_tp_del = SLOT(53, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_descr_get = SLOT(54, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_descr_set = SLOT(55, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_doc = SLOT(56, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_getattr = SLOT(57, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_getattro = SLOT(58, HPyFunc_X),
HPy_tp_hash = SLOT(59, HPyFunc_HASHFUNC),
HPy_tp_init = SLOT(60, HPyFunc_INITPROC),
//HPy_tp_is_gc = SLOT(61, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_iter = SLOT(62, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_iternext = SLOT(63, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_methods = SLOT(64, HPyFunc_X), NOT SUPPORTED
HPy_tp_new = SLOT(65, HPyFunc_NEWFUNC),
HPy_tp_repr = SLOT(66, HPyFunc_REPRFUNC),
HPy_tp_richcompare = SLOT(67, HPyFunc_RICHCMPFUNC),
//HPy_tp_setattr = SLOT(68, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_tp_setattro = SLOT(69, HPyFunc_X),
HPy_tp_str = SLOT(70, HPyFunc_REPRFUNC),
HPy_tp_traverse = SLOT(71, HPyFunc_TRAVERSEPROC),
//HPy_tp_members = SLOT(72, HPyFunc_X), NOT SUPPORTED //HPy_tp_getset = SLOT(73, HPyFunc_X), NOT SUPPORTED //HPy_tp_free = SLOT(74, HPyFunc_X), NOT SUPPORTED
HPy_nb_matrix_multiply = SLOT(75, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
HPy_nb_inplace_matrix_multiply = SLOT(76, HPyFunc_BINARYFUNC),
//HPy_am_await = SLOT(77, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_am_aiter = SLOT(78, HPyFunc_X), //HPy_am_anext = SLOT(79, HPyFunc_X),
HPy_tp_finalize = SLOT(80, HPyFunc_DESTRUCTOR),
/* extra HPy slots */
HPy_tp_destroy = SLOT(1000, HPyFunc_DESTROYFUNC),
/** * Module create slot: the function receives loader spec and should * return an HPy handle representing the module. Currently, creating * real module objects cannot be done by user code, so the only other * useful thing that this slot can do is to create another object that * can work as a module, such as SimpleNamespace. */ HPy_mod_create = SLOT(2000, HPyFunc_MOD_CREATE),
/** * Module exec slot: the function receives module object that was created * by the runtime from HPyModuleDef. This slot can do any initialization * of the module, such as adding types. There can be multiple exec slots * and they will be executed in the declaration order. */ HPy_mod_exec = SLOT(2001, HPyFunc_INQUIRY),
} HPySlot_Slot;