
HPy is still in the early stages of development and the API may change.


The “H” in HPy stands for handle, which is a central concept: handles are used to hold a C reference to Python objects, and they are represented by the C HPy type. They play the same role as PyObject * in the Python/C API, albeit with some important differences which are detailed below.

When they are no longer needed, handles must be closed by calling HPy_Close, which plays more or less the same role as Py_DECREF. Similarly, if you need a new handle for an existing object, you can duplicate it by calling HPy_Dup, which plays more or less the same role as Py_INCREF.

The concept of handles is certainly not unique to HPy. Other examples include Unix file descriptors, where you have dup() and close(), and Windows’ HANDLE, where you have DuplicateHandle() and CloseHandle().

Handles vs PyObject *

In the old Python/C API, multiple PyObject * references to the same object are completely equivalent to each other. Therefore they can be passed to Python/C API functions interchangeably. As a result, Py_INCREF an Py_DECREF can be called with any reference to an object as long as the total number of calls of incref is equal to the number of calls of decref at the end of the object lifetime.

Whereas using HPy API, each handle must be closed independently.

Thus, the following perfectly valid piece of Python/C code:

void foo(void)
    PyObject *x = PyLong_FromLong(42);  // implicit INCREF on x
    PyObject *y = x;
    Py_INCREF(y);                       // INCREF on y
    /* ... */
    Py_DECREF(x);                       // two DECREF on x

Becomes using HPy API:

void foo(HPyContext *ctx)
    HPy x = HPyLong_FromLong(ctx, 42);
    HPy y = HPy_Dup(ctx, x);
    /* ... */
    // we need to close x and y independently
    HPy_Close(ctx, x);
    HPy_Close(ctx, y);

Calling any HPy function on a closed handle is an error. Calling HPy_Close() on the same handle twice is an error. Forgetting to call HPy_Close() on a handle results in a memory leak. When running in Debug Mode, HPy actively checks that you that you don’t close a handle twice and that you don’t forget to close any.


The debug mode is a good example of how powerful it is to decouple the lifetime of handles and the lifetime of an objects. If you find a memory leak on CPython, you know that you are missing a Py_DECREF somewhere but the only way to find the corresponding Py_INCREF is to manually and carefully study the source code. On the other hand, if you forget to call HPy_Close(), the HPy debug mode is able to tell the precise code location which created the unclosed handle. Similarly, if you try to operate on a closed handle, it will tell you the precise code locations which created and closed it.

The other important difference is that Python/C guarantees that multiple references to the same object results in the very same PyObject * pointer. Thus, it is possible to compare C pointers by equality to check whether they point to the same object:

void is_same_object(PyObject *x, PyObject *y)
    return x == y;

On the other hand, in HPy, each handle is independent and it is common to have two different handles which point to the same underlying object, so comparing two handles directly is ill-defined. To prevent this kind of common error (especially when porting existing code to HPy), the HPy C type is opaque and the C compiler actively forbids comparisons between them. To check for identity, you can use HPy_Is():

void is_same_object(HPyContext *ctx, HPy x, HPy y)
    // return x == y; // compilation error!
    return HPy_Is(ctx, x, y);


The main benefit of the semantics of handles is that it allows implementations to use very different models of memory management. On CPython, implementing handles is trivial because HPy is basically PyObject * in disguise, and HPy_Dup() and HPy_Close() are just aliases for Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF.

Unlike CPython, PyPy does not use reference counting for memory management: instead, it uses a moving GC, which means that the address of an object might change during its lifetime, and this makes it hard to implement semantics like PyObject *’s where the address is directly exposed to the user. HPy solves this problem: on PyPy, handles are integers which represent indices into a list, which is itself managed by the GC. When an object moves, the GC fixes the address in the list, without having to touch all the handles which have been passed to C.


All HPy function calls take an HPyContext as a first argument, which represents the Python interpreter all the handles belong to. Strictly speaking, it would be possible to design the HPy API without using HPyContext: after all, all HPy function calls are ultimately mapped to Python/C function call, where there is no notion of context.

One of the reasons to include HPyContext from the day one is to be future-proof: it is conceivable to use it to hold the interpreter or the thread state in the future, in particular when there will be support for sub-interpreter. Another possible usage could be to embed different versions or implementations of Python inside the same process.

Moreover, HPyContext is used by the HPy Universal ABI to contain a sort of virtual function table which is used by the C extensions to call back into the Python interpreter.

A simple example

In this section, we will see how to write a simple C extension using HPy. It is assumed that you are already familiar with the existing Python/C API, so we will underline the similarities and the differences with it.

We want to create a function named myabs which takes a single argument and computes its absolute value:

#include "hpy.h"

static HPy myabs_impl(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self, HPy obj)
    return HPy_Absolute(ctx, obj);

There are a couple of points which are worth noting:

  • We use the macro HPy_DEF_METH_O to declare we are going to define a HPy function called myabs, which uses the METH_O calling convention. As in Python/C, METH_O means that the function receives a single argument.

  • The actual C function which implements myabs is called myabs_impl.

  • It receives two arguments of type HPy, which are handles which are guaranteed to be valid: they are automatically closed by the caller, so there is no need to call HPy_Close on them.

  • It returns a handle, which has to be closed by the caller.

  • HPy_Absolute is the equivalent of PyNumber_Absolute and computes the absolute value of the given argument.

The HPy_DEF_METH_O macro is needed to maintain compatibility with CPython. In CPython, C functions and methods have a C signature that is different to the one used by HPy: they don’t receive an HPyContext and their arguments have the type PyObject * instead of HPy. The macro automatically generates a trampoline function whose signature is appropriate for CPython and which calls the myabs_impl.

Now, we can define our module:

static HPyMethodDef SimpleMethods[] = {
    {"myabs", myabs, HPy_METH_O, "Compute the absolute value of the given argument"},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}

static HPyModuleDef moduledef = {
    .m_name = "simple",
    .m_doc = "HPy Example",
    .m_size = -1,
    .m_methods = SimpleMethods

This part is very similar to the one you would write in Python/C. Note that we specify myabs (and not myabs_impl) in the method table, and that we have to indicate the calling convention again. This is a deliberate choice, to minimize the changes needed to port existing extensions, and to make it easier to support hybrid extensions in which some of the methods are still written using the Python/C API.

Finally, HPyModuleDef is basically the same as the old PyModuleDef.

Building the module

Let’s write a setup.py to build our extension:

from setuptools import setup, Extension

        Extension('simple', sources=['simple.c']),

We can now build the extension by running python setup.py build_ext -i. On CPython, it will target the CPython ABI by default, so you will end up with a file named e.g. simple.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so which can be imported directly on CPython with no dependency on HPy.

To target the HPy Universal ABI instead, it is possible to pass the option --hpy-abi=universal to setup.py. The following command will produce a file called simple.hpy.so (note that you need to specify --hpy-abi before build_ext, since it is a global option):

python setup.py --hpy-abi=universal build_ext -i

VARARGS calling convention

If we want to receive more than a single arguments, we need the HPy_METH_VARARGS calling convention. Let’s add a function add_ints which adds two integers:

static HPy add_ints_impl(HPyContext *ctx, HPy self, HPy *args, HPy_ssize_t nargs)
    long a, b;
    if (!HPyArg_Parse(ctx, args, nargs, "ll", &a, &b))
        return HPy_NULL;
    return HPyLong_FromLong(ctx, a+b);

There are a few things to note:

  • The C signature is different than the corresponding Python/C METH_VARARGS: in particular, instead of taking a PyObject *args, we take an array of HPy and its size. This allows e.g. PyPy to do a call more efficiently, because you don’t need to create a tuple just to pass the arguments.

  • We call HPyArg_Parse to parse the arguments. Contrarily to almost all the other HPy functions, this is not a thin wrapper around PyArg_ParseTuple because as stated above we don’t have a tuple to pass to it, although the idea is to mimic its behavior as closely as possible. The parsing logic is implemented from scratch inside HPy, and as such there might be missing functionality during the early stages of HPy development.

  • If an error occurs, we return HPy_NULL: we cannot simply return NULL because HPy is not a pointer type.

Once we have written our function, we can add it to the SimpleMethods[] table, which now becomes:

static HPyMethodDef SimpleMethods[] = {
    {"myabs", myabs, HPy_METH_O, "Compute the absolute value of the given argument"},
    {"add_ints", add_ints, HPy_METH_VARARGS, "Add two integers"},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}