Source code for runtime/buildvalue.c

 * Implementation of HPy_BuildValue.
 * Note: :c:func:`HPy_BuildValue` is a runtime helper functions, i.e., it is not
 * a part of the HPy context, but is available to HPy extensions to incorporate
 * at compile time.
 * ``HPy_BuildValue`` creates a new value based on a format string from the
 * values passed in variadic arguments. Returns ``HPy_NULL`` in case of an error
 * and raises an exception.
 * ``HPy_BuildValue`` does not always build a tuple. It builds a tuple only if
 * its format string contains two or more format units. If the format string is
 * empty, it returns ``None``; if it contains exactly one format unit, it
 * returns whatever object is described by that format unit. To force it to
 * return a tuple of size ``0`` or one, parenthesize the format string.
 * Building complex values with ``HPy_BuildValue`` is more convenient than the
 * equivalent code that uses more granular APIs with proper error handling and
 * cleanup. Moreover, ``HPy_BuildValue`` provides straightforward way to port
 * existing code that uses ``Py_BuildValue``.
 * ``HPy_BuildValue`` always returns a new handle that will be owned by the
 * caller. Even an artificial example ``HPy_BuildValue(ctx, "O", h)`` does not
 * simply forward the value stored in ``h`` but duplicates the handle.
 * Supported Formatting Strings
 * ----------------------------
 * Numbers
 * ~~~~~~~
 * ``i (int) [int]``
 *     Convert a plain C int to a Python integer object.
 * ``l (int) [long int]``
 *     Convert a C long int to a Python integer object.
 * ``I (int) [unsigned int]``
 *     Convert a C unsigned int to a Python integer object.
 * ``k (int) [unsigned long]``
 *     Convert a C unsigned long to a Python integer object.
 * ``L (int) [long long]``
 *     Convert a C long long to a Python integer object.
 * ``K (int) [unsigned long long]``
 *     Convert a C unsigned long long to a Python integer object.
 * ``n (int) [HPy_ssize_t]``
 *     Convert a C HPy_ssize_t to a Python integer object.
 * ``f (float) [float]``
 *     Convert a C float to a Python floating point number.
 * ``d (float) [double]``
 *     Convert a C double to a Python floating point number.
 * Collections
 * ~~~~~~~~~~~
 * ``(items) (tuple) [matching-items]``
 *     Convert a sequence of C values to a Python tuple with the same number of items.
 * ``[items] (list) [matching-items]``
 *     Convert a sequence of C values to a Python list with the same number of items.
 * ``{key:value} (dict) [matching-items]``
 *     Convert a sequence of C values to a Python dict with the same number of items.
 * Misc
 * ~~~~~~~
 * ``O (Python object) [HPy]``
 *      Pass an untouched Python object represented by the handle.
 *      If the object passed in is a HPy_NULL, it is assumed that this was caused because
 *      the call producing the argument found an error and set an exception. Therefore,
 *      HPy_BuildValue will also immediately stop and return HPy_NULL but will not raise
 *      any new exception. If no exception has been raised yet, SystemError is set.
 *      Any HPy handle passed to HPy_BuildValue is always owned by the caller. HPy_BuildValue
 *      never closes the handle nor transfers its ownership. If the handle is used, then
 *      HPy_BuildValue creates a duplicate of the handle.
 * ``S (Python object) [HPy]``
 *      Alias for 'O'.
 * API
 * ---

#include "hpy.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE 128
static HPy_ssize_t count_items(HPyContext *ctx, const char *fmt, char end); static HPy build_tuple(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values, HPy_ssize_t size, char expected_end); static HPy build_list(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values, HPy_ssize_t size); static HPy build_dict(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values); static HPy build_single(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values, int *needs_close);
[docs]/** * Creates a new value based on a format string from the values passed in * variadic arguments. * * :param ctx: * The execution context. * :param fmt: * The format string (ASCII only; must not be ``NULL``). For details, see * :ref:`api-reference/build-value:supported formatting strings`. * :param ...: * Variable arguments according to the provided format string. * * :returns: * A handle to the built Python value or ``HPy_NULL`` in case of errors. */ HPy HPy_BuildValue(HPyContext *ctx, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list values; HPy result; va_start(values, fmt); HPy_ssize_t size = count_items(ctx, fmt, '\0'); if (size < 0) { result = HPy_NULL; } else if (size == 0) { result = HPy_Dup(ctx, ctx->h_None); } else if (size == 1) { int needs_close; result = build_single(ctx, &fmt, &values, &needs_close); if (!needs_close) { result = HPy_Dup(ctx, result); } } else { result = build_tuple(ctx, &fmt, &values, size, '\0'); } va_end(values); return result; }
static HPy_ssize_t count_items(HPyContext *ctx, const char *fmt, char end) { HPy_ssize_t level = 0, result = 0; char top_level_par = 'X'; while (level != 0 || *fmt != end) { char c = *fmt++; switch (c) { case '\0': { // Premature end // We try to provide slightly better diagnostics than CPython char msg[MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE]; char par_type; if (end == ')') { par_type = '('; } else if (end == ']') { par_type = '['; } else if (end == '}') { par_type = '{'; } else { if (level == 0 || top_level_par == 'X') { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "internal error in HPy_BuildValue"); return -1; } par_type = top_level_par; } snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "unmatched '%c' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue", par_type); HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, msg); return -1; } case '[': case '(': case '{': if (level == 0) { top_level_par = c; result++; } level++; break; case ']': case ')': case '}': level--; break; case ',': case ' ': break; default: if (level == 0) { result++; } } } return result; }
static HPy build_single(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values, int *needs_close) { char format_char = *(*fmt)++; *needs_close = 1; switch (format_char) { case '(': { HPy_ssize_t size = count_items(ctx, *fmt, ')'); if (size < 0) { return HPy_NULL; } return build_tuple(ctx, fmt, values, size, ')'); } case '[': { HPy_ssize_t size = count_items(ctx, *fmt, ']'); if (size < 0) { return HPy_NULL; } return build_list(ctx, fmt, values, size); } case '{': { return build_dict(ctx, fmt, values); } case 'i': return HPyLong_FromLong(ctx, (long)va_arg(*values, int)); case 'I': return HPyLong_FromUnsignedLong(ctx, (unsigned long)va_arg(*values, unsigned int)); case 'k': return HPyLong_FromUnsignedLong(ctx, va_arg(*values, unsigned long)); case 'l': return HPyLong_FromLong(ctx, va_arg(*values, long)); case 'L': return HPyLong_FromLongLong(ctx, va_arg(*values, long long)); case 'K': return HPyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(ctx, va_arg(*values, unsigned long long)); case 'n': return HPyLong_FromSsize_t(ctx, va_arg(*values, HPy_ssize_t)); case 's': return HPyUnicode_FromString(ctx, va_arg(*values, const char*)); case 'O': case 'S': { HPy handle = va_arg(*values, HPy); if (HPy_IsNull(handle)) { if (!HPyErr_Occurred(ctx)) { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "HPy_NULL object passed to HPy_BuildValue"); } return handle; } *needs_close = 0; return handle; } case 'N': { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "HPy_BuildValue does not support the 'N' formatting unit. " "Instead, use the 'O' formatting unit and manually close " "the handle in the caller if necessary. HPy API functions " "never 'steal' handles and always make a duplicate handle if " "needed, the 'ownership' of the original handle is never " "'transferred'. "); return HPy_NULL; } case 'f': // Note: floats are promoted to doubles when passed in "..." case 'd': return HPyFloat_FromDouble(ctx, va_arg(*values, double)); default: { char message[MESSAGE_BUF_SIZE]; snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "bad format char '%c' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue", format_char); HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, message); return HPy_NULL; } } // switch }
static HPy build_dict(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values) { HPy dict = HPyDict_New(ctx); int expect_comma = 0; while (**fmt != '}' && **fmt != '\0') { if (**fmt == ' ') { (*fmt)++; continue; } if (**fmt == ',') { if (!expect_comma) { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "unexpected ',' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue"); HPy_Close(ctx, dict); return HPy_NULL; } (*fmt)++; expect_comma = 0; continue; } else { if (expect_comma) { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "missing ',' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue"); HPy_Close(ctx, dict); return HPy_NULL; } } int needs_key_close, needs_value_close; HPy key = build_single(ctx, fmt, values, &needs_key_close); if (HPy_IsNull(key)) { HPy_Close(ctx, dict); return HPy_NULL; } if (**fmt != ':') { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "missing ':' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue"); if (needs_key_close) { HPy_Close(ctx, key); } HPy_Close(ctx, dict); return HPy_NULL; } else { (*fmt)++; } HPy value = build_single(ctx, fmt, values, &needs_value_close); if (HPy_IsNull(value)) { if (needs_key_close) { HPy_Close(ctx, key); } HPy_Close(ctx, dict); return HPy_NULL; } int res = HPy_SetItem(ctx, dict, key, value); if (needs_key_close) { HPy_Close(ctx, key); } if (needs_value_close) { HPy_Close(ctx, value); } if (res < 0) { HPy_Close(ctx, dict); return HPy_NULL; } expect_comma = 1; } if (**fmt != '}') { // count_items does not check the type of the matching paren, that's what we do here HPy_Close(ctx, dict); HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "unmatched '{' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue"); return HPy_NULL; } ++*fmt; return dict; }
static HPy build_list(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values, HPy_ssize_t size) { HPyListBuilder builder = HPyListBuilder_New(ctx, size); for (HPy_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { int needs_close; HPy item = build_single(ctx, fmt, values, &needs_close); if (HPy_IsNull(item)) { HPyListBuilder_Cancel(ctx, builder); return HPy_NULL; } HPyListBuilder_Set(ctx, builder, i, item); if (needs_close) { HPy_Close(ctx, item); } if (**fmt == ',') { (*fmt)++; } } if (**fmt != ']') { // count_items does not check the type of the matching paren, that's what we do here HPyListBuilder_Cancel(ctx, builder); HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "unmatched '[' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue"); return HPy_NULL; } ++*fmt; return HPyListBuilder_Build(ctx, builder); }
static HPy build_tuple(HPyContext *ctx, const char **fmt, va_list *values, HPy_ssize_t size, char expected_end) { HPyTupleBuilder builder = HPyTupleBuilder_New(ctx, size); for (HPy_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { int needs_close; HPy item = build_single(ctx, fmt, values, &needs_close); if (HPy_IsNull(item)) { HPyTupleBuilder_Cancel(ctx, builder); return HPy_NULL; } HPyTupleBuilder_Set(ctx, builder, i, item); if (needs_close) { HPy_Close(ctx, item); } if (**fmt == ',') { (*fmt)++; } } if (**fmt != expected_end) { // count_items does not check the type of the matching paren, that's what we do here // if expected_end == '\0', then there would have to be a bug in count_items HPyTupleBuilder_Cancel(ctx, builder); if (expected_end == '\0') { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "internal error in HPy_BuildValue"); } else { HPyErr_SetString(ctx, ctx->h_SystemError, "unmatched '[' in the format string passed to HPy_BuildValue"); } return HPy_NULL; } if (expected_end != '\0') { ++*fmt; } return HPyTupleBuilder_Build(ctx, builder); }