Source code for hpy/hpytype.h

#include <stdbool.h> #ifdef __GNUC__
#define HPyAPI_UNUSED __attribute__((unused)) static inline
#else #define HPyAPI_UNUSED static inline #endif /* __GNUC__ */ // NOTE: HPyType_BuiltinShape_Object == 0, which means it's the default // if it's not specified in HPyType_spec
[docs]typedef enum {
[docs] /** * A type whose struct starts with ``PyObject_HEAD`` or equivalent is a * legacy type. A legacy type must set * ``.builtin_shape = HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy`` in its * :c:struct:`HPyType_Spec`. * * A type is a non-legacy type, also called HPy pure type, if its struct does * not include ``PyObject_HEAD``. Using pure types should be preferred. * Legacy types are available to allow gradual porting of existing CPython * extensions. * * A type with ``.legacy_slots != NULL`` * (see :c:member:`HPyType_Spec.legacy_slots`) is required to have * ``HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy`` and to include ``PyObject_HEAD`` at the * start of its struct. It would be easy to relax this requirement on * CPython (where the ``PyObject_HEAD`` fields are always present) but a * large burden on other implementations (e.g. PyPy, GraalPy) where a * struct starting with ``PyObject_HEAD`` might not exist. * * Types created via the old Python C API are automatically legacy types. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy = -1,
[docs] /** The type inherits from built-in type ``object`` (default). */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Object = 0,
[docs] /** * The type inherits from built-in type ``type``. This can be used to * create metaclasses. If using this shape, you need to specify base class * ``ctx->h_TypeType``. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Type = 1,
[docs] /** * The type inherits from built-in type ``int`` (aka. long object). If using * this shape, you need to specify base class ``ctx->h_LongType``. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Long = 2,
[docs] /** * The type inherits from built-in type ``float``. If using this shape, you * need to specify base class ``ctx->h_FloatType``. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Float = 3,
[docs] /** * The type inherits from built-in type ``str`` (aka. unicode object). If * using this shape, you need to specify base class ``ctx->h_UnicodeType``. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Unicode = 4,
[docs] /** * The type inherits from built-in type ``tuple``. If using this shape, you * need to specify base class ``ctx->h_TupleType``. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Tuple = 5,
[docs] /** * The type inherits from built-in type ``list``. If using this shape, you * need to specify base class ``ctx->h_ListType``. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape_List = 6,
} HPyType_BuiltinShape;
typedef struct {
cpy_vectorcallfunc cpy_trampoline;
HPyCallFunction impl;
} HPyType_Vectorcall;
[docs]typedef struct {
[docs] /** The Python name of type (UTF-8 encoded) */ const char* name;
[docs] /** * The size in bytes of the types associated native structure. Usually, you * define some C structure, e.g., ``typedef struct { int a; } MyObject;``, * and then this field is set to ``sizeof(MyObject)``. */ int basicsize;
[docs] /** The size of embedded elements (currently not supported). */ int itemsize;
[docs] /** * Type flags (see :c:macro:`HPy_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT`, * :c:macro:`HPy_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE`, :c:macro:`HPy_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC`, and * others if available). */ unsigned long flags;
[docs] /** * The internal *shape* of the type. * * The shape gives the necessary hint to compute the offset to the data * pointer of the object's underlying struct that should be returned when * calling ``MyObject_AsStruct``. * * **ATTENTION**: * It is also necessary to specify the right base class in * the type's specification parameters (see :c:struct:`HPyType_SpecParam`). * * Assuming that the type's C structure is called ``MyObject``, this field * should be initialized with ``.builtin_shape = SHAPE(MyObject)``. Note: * This requires that you use :c:macro:`HPyType_HELPERS` or * :c:macro:`HPyType_LEGACY_HELPERS`. * * Some more explanation: It would be possible to reduce this information * to a Boolean that specifies if the type is a *legacy* type or not. * Everything else could be determined by looking at the base classes. * However, with this information it is possible to do the data pointer * computation statically and thus is performance critical. * * Types that do not define a struct of their own, should set the value of * ``.builtin_shape`` to the same value as the type they inherit from. If * they inherit from a built-in type, they must set the corresponding * ``.builtin_shape``. */ HPyType_BuiltinShape builtin_shape;
[docs] /** * Pointer to a ``NULL``-terminated array of legacy (i.e. ``PyType_Slot``) * slots. * * A type with ``.legacy_slots != NULL`` is required to have * ``HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy`` and to include ``PyObject_HEAD`` at the * start of its struct. It would be easy to relax this requirement on * CPython (where the ``PyObject_HEAD`` fields are always present) but a * large burden on other implementations (e.g. PyPy, GraalPy) where a * struct starting with ``PyObject_HEAD`` might not exist. */ void *legacy_slots;
[docs] /** * Pointer to a ``NULL``-terminated array of pointers to HPy defines (i.e. * ``HPyDef *``). */ HPyDef **defines;
[docs] /** Docstring of the type (UTF-8 encoded; may be ``NULL``) */ const char* doc;
} HPyType_Spec;
[docs]typedef enum {
[docs] /** * Specify a base class. This parameter may be repeated but cannot be used * together with * :c:enumerator:`HPyType_SpecParam_Kind.HPyType_SpecParam_BasesTuple`. */ HPyType_SpecParam_Base = 1,
[docs] /** * Specify a tuple of base classes. Cannot be used together with * :c:enumerator:`HPyType_SpecParam_Kind.HPyType_SpecParam_Base` */ HPyType_SpecParam_BasesTuple = 2,
[docs] /** Specify a meta class for the type. */ HPyType_SpecParam_Metaclass = 3,
//HPyType_SpecParam_Module = 4, } HPyType_SpecParam_Kind;
[docs]typedef struct {
[docs] /** The kind of the type spec param. */ HPyType_SpecParam_Kind kind;
[docs] /** The value of the type spec param (an HPy handle). */ HPy object;
} HPyType_SpecParam;
/* All types are dynamically allocated */
#define _Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE (1UL << 9)
#define _Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VERSION_TAG (1UL << 18)
[docs]/** Default type flags for HPy types. */ #define HPy_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT (_Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE | _Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VERSION_TAG)
/** Set if the type implements the vectorcall protocol (PEP 590) */ #define HPy_TPFLAGS_HAVE_VECTORCALL (1UL << 11)
/** Set if the type allows subclassing */ #define HPy_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE (1UL << 10)
[docs]/** Set if the type allows subclassing */ #define HPy_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE (1UL << 10)
[docs]/** If set, the object will be tracked by CPython's GC. Probably irrelevant for GC-based alternative implementations. */ #define HPy_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC (1UL << 14)
[docs]/** Convenience macro which is equivalent to: ``HPyType_HELPERS(TYPE, HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy)`` */ #define HPyType_LEGACY_HELPERS(TYPE) \ HPyType_HELPERS(TYPE, HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy)
#define _HPyType_HELPER_TYPE(TYPE, ...) TYPE *
#define _HPyType_HELPER_FNAME(TYPE, ...) TYPE##_AsStruct
#define _HPyType_HELPER_DEFINE_SHAPE(TYPE, SHAPE, ...) \ enum { TYPE##_SHAPE = (int)SHAPE }
#define _HPyType_HELPER_AS_STRUCT(TYPE, SHAPE, ...) SHAPE##_AsStruct
// helper macro make MSVC's preprocessor work with our variadic macros
#define _HPyType_HELPER_X(X) X
[docs]/** A macro for creating (static inline) helper functions for custom types. Two versions of the helper exist. One for legacy types and one for pure HPy types. Example for a pure HPy custom type: ``HPyType_HELPERS(PointObject)`` It is also possible to inherit from some built-in types. The list of available built-in base types is given in enum `HPyTupe_BuiltinShape`. In case you want to inherit from one of those, it is necessary to specify the base built-in type in the `HPyType_HELPERS` macro. Here is an example for a pure HPy custom type inheriting from a built-in type 'tuple': ``HPyType_HELPERS(PointObject, HPyType_BuiltinShape_Tuple)`` This would generate the following: * ``PointObject * PointObject_AsStruct(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h)``: a static inline function that uses HPy_AsStruct to return the PointObject struct associated with a given handle. The behaviour is undefined if `h` is associated with an object that is not an instance of PointObject. However, debug mode will catch an incorrect usage. * ``SHAPE(PointObject)``: a macro that is meant to be used as static initializer in the corresponding HPyType_Spec. It is recommended to write ``.builtin_shape = SHAPE(PointObject)`` such that you don't have to remember to update the spec when the helpers used changes. Example for a legacy custom type: ``HPyType_LEGACY_HELPERS(PointObject)`` This would generate the same functions and constants as above, except: * ``_HPy_AsStruct_Legacy`` is used instead of ``_HPy_AsStruct_Object``. * ``SHAPE(PointObject)`` would be ``HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy``. :param STRUCT: The C structure of the HPy type. :param SHAPE: Optional. The built-in shape of the type. This defaults to :c:enumerator:`HPyType_BuiltinShape_Object`. Possible values are all enumerators of :c:enum:`HPyType_BuiltinShape`. */ #define HPyType_HELPERS(...) \ \ _HPyType_HELPER_X( \ _HPyType_HELPER_DEFINE_SHAPE(__VA_ARGS__, HPyType_BuiltinShape_Object)); \ \ HPyAPI_UNUSED _HPyType_HELPER_X(_HPyType_HELPER_TYPE(__VA_ARGS__)) \ _HPyType_HELPER_X(_HPyType_HELPER_FNAME(__VA_ARGS__))(HPyContext *ctx, HPy h) \ { \ return (_HPyType_HELPER_X(_HPyType_HELPER_TYPE(__VA_ARGS__))) \ _HPyType_HELPER_X(_HPyType_HELPER_AS_STRUCT(__VA_ARGS__, \ HPyType_BuiltinShape_Object))(ctx, h); \ }
#define SHAPE(TYPE) ((HPyType_BuiltinShape)TYPE##_SHAPE)
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_Legacy_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_Legacy
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_Object_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_Object
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_Type_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_Type
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_Long_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_Long
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_Float_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_Float
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_Unicode_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_Unicode
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_Tuple_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_Tuple
#define HPyType_BuiltinShape_List_AsStruct _HPy_AsStruct_List