Source code for hpy/hpydef.h

#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include <stddef.h> /* to make sure "offsetof" is available for our users */ #include "hpy/hpyfunc.h" #include "hpy/autogen_hpyslot.h" #include "hpy/cpy_types.h"
typedef void* (*HPyCFunction)();
typedef void (*HPyFunc_Capsule_Destructor)(const char *name, void *pointer, void *context);
[docs]/** * C structure to define an HPy slot. * * It is perfectly fine to fill this structure manually. However, the * recommended and easier way is to use macro :c:macro:`HPyDef_SLOT`. */ typedef struct {
[docs] /** * The slot to fill. */ HPySlot_Slot slot;
[docs] /** Function pointer to the slot's implementation */ HPyCFunction impl;
[docs] /** * Function pointer to the CPython trampoline function which is used by * CPython to call the actual HPy function ``impl``. */ cpy_PyCFunction cpy_trampoline;
} HPySlot;
[docs]/** * C structure to define an HPy method. * * It is perfectly fine to fill this structure manually. However, the * recommended and easier way is to use macro :c:macro:`HPyDef_METH`. */ typedef struct {
[docs] /** The name of Python attribute (UTF-8 encoded) */ const char *name;
[docs] /** Function pointer of the C function implementation */ HPyCFunction impl;
[docs] /** * Function pointer to the CPython trampoline function which is used by * CPython to call the actual HPy function ``impl``. */ cpy_PyCFunction cpy_trampoline;
[docs] /** Indicates the C function's expected signature */ HPyFunc_Signature signature;
[docs] /** Docstring of the method (UTF-8 encoded; may be ``NULL``) */ const char *doc;
} HPyMeth;
[docs]/** * Describes the type (and therefore also the size) of an HPy member. */ typedef enum {
[docs] HPyMember_SHORT = 0,
[docs] HPyMember_INT = 1,
[docs] HPyMember_LONG = 2,
[docs] HPyMember_FLOAT = 3,
[docs] HPyMember_DOUBLE = 4,
[docs] HPyMember_STRING = 5,
[docs] HPyMember_OBJECT = 6,
[docs] HPyMember_CHAR = 7, /* 1-character string */
[docs] HPyMember_BYTE = 8, /* 8-bit signed int */
/* unsigned variants: */
[docs] HPyMember_UBYTE = 9,
[docs] HPyMember_USHORT = 10,
[docs] HPyMember_UINT = 11,
[docs] HPyMember_ULONG = 12,
/* Added by Jack: strings contained in the structure */
[docs] HPyMember_STRING_INPLACE = 13,
/* Added by Lillo: bools contained in the structure (assumed char) */
[docs] HPyMember_BOOL = 14,
[docs] HPyMember_OBJECT_EX = 16, /* Like T_OBJECT, but raises AttributeError
when the value is NULL, instead of converting to None. */
[docs] HPyMember_LONGLONG = 17,
[docs] HPyMember_ULONGLONG = 18,
[docs] HPyMember_HPYSSIZET = 19, /* HPy_ssize_t */
[docs] HPyMember_NONE = 20, /* Value is always None */
} HPyMember_FieldType;
[docs]/** * C structure to define an HPy member. * * It is perfectly fine to fill this structure manually. However, the * recommended and easier way is to use macro :c:macro:`HPyDef_MEMBER`. */ typedef struct {
[docs] /** The name of Python attribute (UTF-8 encoded) */ const char *name;
[docs] /** The type of the HPy member (see enum ``HPyMember_FieldType``). */ HPyMember_FieldType type;
[docs] /** * The location (byte offset) of the member. Usually computed with * ``offsetof(type, field)``. */ HPy_ssize_t offset;
[docs] /** Flag indicating if the member is read-only */ int readonly;
[docs] /** Docstring of the member (UTF-8 encoded; may be ``NULL``) */ const char *doc;
} HPyMember;
[docs]/** * C structure to define an HPy get/set descriptor. * * It is perfectly fine to fill this structure manually. However, the * recommended and easier way is to use macros :c:macro:`HPyDef_GET` (to create * a get descriptor only), :c:macro:`HPyDef_SET` (to create a set descriptor * only), or :c:macro:`HPyDef_GETSET` (to create both). */ typedef struct {
[docs] /** The name of Python attribute (UTF-8 encoded) */ const char *name;
[docs] /** Function pointer of the C getter function (may be ``NULL``) */ HPyCFunction getter_impl;
[docs] /** Function pointer of the C setter function (may be ``NULL``) */ HPyCFunction setter_impl;
[docs] /** * Function pointer to the CPython trampoline function for the getter (may * be ``NULL`` if (and only if) ``getter_impl == NULL``) */ cpy_getter getter_cpy_trampoline;
[docs] /** * Function pointer to the CPython trampoline function for the setter (may * be ``NULL`` if (and only if) ``setter_impl == NULL``) */ cpy_setter setter_cpy_trampoline;
[docs] /** Docstring of the get/set descriptor (UTF-8 encoded; may be ``NULL``) */ const char *doc;
[docs] /** * A value that will be passed to the ``getter_impl``/``setter_impl`` * functions. */ void *closure;
} HPyGetSet;
[docs]/** * Enum to identify an HPy definition's kind. */ typedef enum {
[docs] HPyDef_Kind_Slot = 1,
[docs] HPyDef_Kind_Meth = 2,
[docs] HPyDef_Kind_Member = 3,
[docs] HPyDef_Kind_GetSet = 4,
} HPyDef_Kind;
[docs]/** * Generic structure of an HPy definition. * * This struct can be used to define a slot, method, member, or get/set * descriptor. For details, see embedded structures :c:struct:`HPySlot`, * :c:struct:`HPyMeth`, :c:struct:`HPyMember`, or :c:struct:`HPyGetSet`. */ typedef struct {
[docs] /** * The kind of this definition. * The value of this field determines which one of the embedded members * ``slot``, ``meth``, ``member``, or ``getset`` is used. Since those are * combined in a union, only one can be used at a time. */ HPyDef_Kind kind;
union { HPySlot slot; HPyMeth meth; HPyMember member; HPyGetSet getset; }; } HPyDef;
typedef struct {
cpy_PyCapsule_Destructor cpy_trampoline;
HPyFunc_Capsule_Destructor impl;
} HPyCapsule_Destructor;
typedef struct {
cpy_vectorcallfunc cpy_trampoline;
HPyFunc_keywords impl;
} HPyCallFunction;
// macros to automatically define HPyDefs of various kinds /* ~~~ HPySlot_SIG ~~~ Macro-magic to automatically determine the HPyFunc_Signature from a symbolic slot name such as HPy_tp_repr, HPy_nb_add, etc. */
#define HPySlot_SIG(SLOT) _HPySlot_SIG__##SLOT
// Macros such as _HPySlot_SIG__HPy_tp_add &co. are defined in autogen_hpyslot.h /* ~~~ HPyDef_SLOT ~~~ This is the official version of HPyDef_SLOT, which automatically determines the SIG from the SLOT. The anonymous enum is needed to get a nice compile-time error in case we pass a SLOT which does not exist, see the more detailed explanation in the comments around HPyFunc_DECLARE in hpyfunc.h */
#define HPyDef_SLOT_IMPL(SYM, IMPL, SLOT) \ enum { SYM##_slot = SLOT }; \ _HPyDef_SLOT(SYM, IMPL, SLOT, HPySlot_SIG(SLOT))
[docs]/** * A convenience macro and recommended way to create a definition for an HPy * slot. * * The macro generates a C global variable and an appropriate CPython * trampoline function. It will fill an :c:struct:`HPyDef` structure appropriately * and store it in the global variable. * * This macro expects a C function ``SYM_impl`` that will be used as the * implementing slot function. * * :param SYM: A C symbol name of the resulting global variable that will * contain the generated HPy definition. The variable is defined * as ``static``. * :param SLOT: The HPy slot identifier. */ #define HPyDef_SLOT(SYM, SLOT) \ HPyDef_SLOT_IMPL(SYM, SYM##_impl, SLOT)
// this is the actual implementation, after we determined the SIG
#define _HPyDef_SLOT(SYM, IMPL, SLOT, SIG) \ HPyFunc_DECLARE(IMPL, SIG); \ HPyFunc_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_trampoline, IMPL, SIG); \ HPyDef SYM = { \ .kind = HPyDef_Kind_Slot, \ .slot = { \ .slot = SLOT, \ .impl = (HPyCFunction)IMPL, \ .cpy_trampoline = (cpy_PyCFunction)SYM##_trampoline \ } \ };
#define HPyDef_METH_IMPL(SYM, NAME, IMPL, SIG, ...) \ HPyFunc_DECLARE(IMPL, SIG); \ HPyFunc_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_trampoline, IMPL, SIG) \ HPyDef SYM = { \ .kind = HPyDef_Kind_Meth, \ .meth = { \ .name = NAME, \ .impl = (HPyCFunction)IMPL, \ .cpy_trampoline = (cpy_PyCFunction)SYM##_trampoline, \ .signature = SIG, \ __VA_ARGS__ \ } \ };
[docs]/** * A convenience macro and recommended way to create a definition for an HPy * method. * * The macro generates a C global variable and an appropriate CPython * trampoline function. It will fill an :c:struct:`HPyDef` structure appropriately * and store it in the global variable. * * This macro expects a C function ``SYM_impl`` that will be used as the * implementing C function. * * :param SYM: A C symbol name of the resulting global variable that will * contain the generated HPy definition. The variable is defined * as ``static``. * :param NAME: The Python attribute name (UTF-8 encoded). * :param SIG: The implementation's C signature (see * :c:enum:`HPyFunc_Signature`). */ #define HPyDef_METH(SYM, NAME, SIG, ...) \ HPyDef_METH_IMPL(SYM, NAME, SYM##_impl, SIG, __VA_ARGS__)
[docs]/** * A convenience macro and recommended way to create a definition for an HPy * member. * * The macro generates a C global variable. It will fill an :c:struct:`HPyDef` * structure appropriately and store it in the global variable. * * :param SYM: A C symbol name of the resulting global variable that will * contain the generated HPy definition. The variable is defined * as ``static``. * :param NAME: The Python attribute name (UTF-8 encoded). * :param TYPE: The implementation's C signature (see * :c:enum:`HPyFunc_Signature`). * :param OFFSET: The Python attribute name (UTF-8 encoded). * :param .readonly: Optional flag indicating if the member is read-only. * :param .doc: Optional docstring (UTF-8 encoded). */ #define HPyDef_MEMBER(SYM, NAME, TYPE, OFFSET, ...) \ HPyDef SYM = { \ .kind = HPyDef_Kind_Member, \ .member = { \ .name = NAME, \ .type = TYPE, \ .offset = OFFSET, \ __VA_ARGS__ \ } \ };
#define HPyDef_GET_IMPL(SYM, NAME, GETIMPL, ...) \ HPyFunc_DECLARE(GETIMPL, HPyFunc_GETTER); \ HPyFunc_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_get_trampoline, GETIMPL, HPyFunc_GETTER); \ HPyDef SYM = { \ .kind = HPyDef_Kind_GetSet, \ .getset = { \ .name = NAME, \ .getter_impl = (HPyCFunction)GETIMPL, \ .getter_cpy_trampoline = (cpy_getter)SYM##_get_trampoline, \ __VA_ARGS__ \ } \ };
[docs]/** * A convenience macro and recommended way to create a definition for an HPy * get descriptor. * * The macro generates a C global variable. It will fill an :c:struct:`HPyDef` * structure appropriately and store it in the global variable. * * :param SYM: A C symbol name of the resulting global variable that will * contain the generated HPy definition. The variable is defined * as ``static``. * :param NAME: The Python attribute name (UTF-8 encoded). * :param .doc: Optional docstring (UTF-8 encoded). * :param .closure: Optional pointer, providing additional data for the getter. */ #define HPyDef_GET(SYM, NAME, ...) \ HPyDef_GET_IMPL(SYM, NAME, SYM##_get, __VA_ARGS__)
#define HPyDef_SET_IMPL(SYM, NAME, SETIMPL, ...) \ HPyFunc_DECLARE(SETIMPL, HPyFunc_SETTER); \ HPyFunc_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_set_trampoline, SETIMPL, HPyFunc_SETTER); \ HPyDef SYM = { \ .kind = HPyDef_Kind_GetSet, \ .getset = { \ .name = NAME, \ .setter_impl = (HPyCFunction)SETIMPL, \ .setter_cpy_trampoline = (cpy_setter)SYM##_set_trampoline, \ __VA_ARGS__ \ } \ };
[docs]/** * A convenience macro and recommended way to create a definition for an HPy * set descriptor. * * The macro generates a C global variable. It will fill an :c:struct:`HPyDef` * structure appropriately and store it in the global variable. * * :param SYM: A C symbol name of the resulting global variable that will * contain the generated HPy definition. The variable is defined * as ``static``. * :param NAME: The Python attribute name (UTF-8 encoded). * :param .doc: Optional docstring (UTF-8 encoded). * :param .closure: Optional pointer, providing additional data for the setter. */ #define HPyDef_SET(SYM, NAME, ...) \ HPyDef_SET_IMPL(SYM, NAME, SYM##_set, __VA_ARGS__)
#define HPyDef_GETSET_IMPL(SYM, NAME, GETIMPL, SETIMPL, ...) \ HPyFunc_DECLARE(GETIMPL, HPyFunc_GETTER); \ HPyFunc_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_get_trampoline, GETIMPL, HPyFunc_GETTER); \ HPyFunc_DECLARE(SETIMPL, HPyFunc_SETTER); \ HPyFunc_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_set_trampoline, SETIMPL, HPyFunc_SETTER); \ HPyDef SYM = { \ .kind = HPyDef_Kind_GetSet, \ .getset = { \ .name = NAME, \ .getter_impl = (HPyCFunction)GETIMPL, \ .setter_impl = (HPyCFunction)SETIMPL, \ .getter_cpy_trampoline = (cpy_getter)SYM##_get_trampoline, \ .setter_cpy_trampoline = (cpy_setter)SYM##_set_trampoline, \ __VA_ARGS__ \ } \ };
[docs]/** * A convenience macro and recommended way to create a definition for an HPy * get/set descriptor. * * The macro generates a C global variable. It will fill an :c:struct:`HPyDef` * structure appropriately and store it in the global variable. * * :param SYM: A C symbol name of the resulting global variable that will * contain the generated HPy definition. The variable is defined * as ``static``. * :param NAME: The Python attribute name (UTF-8 encoded). * :param .doc: Optional docstring (UTF-8 encoded). * :param .closure: Optional pointer, providing additional data for the getter * and setter. */ #define HPyDef_GETSET(SYM, NAME, ...) \ HPyDef_GETSET_IMPL(SYM, NAME, SYM##_get, SYM##_set, __VA_ARGS__)
#define HPyCapsule_DESTRUCTOR(SYM) \ static void SYM##_impl(const char *name, void *pointer, void *context); \ HPyCapsule_DESTRUCTOR_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_trampoline, SYM##_impl); \ static HPyCapsule_Destructor SYM = { \ .cpy_trampoline = SYM##_trampoline, \ .impl = SYM##_impl \ };
[docs]/** * A convenience macro and the recommended way to create a call function * definition. * * The macro generates a C global variable with name ``SYM``. It will fill an * :c:struct:`HPyCallFunction` structure appropriately and store it in the * global variable. * * This macro expects a C function ``SYM_impl`` that will be used as the * implementing C function. * * :param SYM: A C symbol name of the resulting global variable that will * contain the generated call function definition. The variable is * defined as ``static``. */ #define HPyDef_CALL_FUNCTION(SYM) \ HPyFunc_DECLARE(SYM##_impl, HPyFunc_KEYWORDS); \ HPyFunc_TRAMPOLINE(SYM##_trampoline, SYM##_impl, HPyFunc_KEYWORDS); \ static HPyCallFunction SYM = { \ .cpy_trampoline = SYM##_trampoline, \ .impl = SYM##_impl \ };
#ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* HPY_UNIVERSAL_HPYDEF_H */