Source code for hpy/cpython/autogen_ctx.h

typedef int HPy;
/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This file is automatically generated by See also and hpy/tools/public_api.h Run this to regenerate: make autogen */
[docs]struct _HPyContext_s {
[docs] const char *name;
[docs] int abi_version;
[docs] HPy h_None;
[docs] HPy h_True;
[docs] HPy h_False;
[docs] HPy h_NotImplemented;
[docs] HPy h_Ellipsis;
[docs] HPy h_BaseException;
[docs] HPy h_Exception;
[docs] HPy h_StopAsyncIteration;
[docs] HPy h_StopIteration;
[docs] HPy h_GeneratorExit;
[docs] HPy h_ArithmeticError;
[docs] HPy h_LookupError;
[docs] HPy h_AssertionError;
[docs] HPy h_AttributeError;
[docs] HPy h_BufferError;
[docs] HPy h_EOFError;
[docs] HPy h_FloatingPointError;
[docs] HPy h_OSError;
[docs] HPy h_ImportError;
[docs] HPy h_ModuleNotFoundError;
[docs] HPy h_IndexError;
[docs] HPy h_KeyError;
[docs] HPy h_KeyboardInterrupt;
[docs] HPy h_MemoryError;
[docs] HPy h_NameError;
[docs] HPy h_OverflowError;
[docs] HPy h_RuntimeError;
[docs] HPy h_RecursionError;
[docs] HPy h_NotImplementedError;
[docs] HPy h_SyntaxError;
[docs] HPy h_IndentationError;
[docs] HPy h_TabError;
[docs] HPy h_ReferenceError;
[docs] HPy h_SystemError;
[docs] HPy h_SystemExit;
[docs] HPy h_TypeError;
[docs] HPy h_UnboundLocalError;
[docs] HPy h_UnicodeError;
[docs] HPy h_UnicodeEncodeError;
[docs] HPy h_UnicodeDecodeError;
[docs] HPy h_UnicodeTranslateError;
[docs] HPy h_ValueError;
[docs] HPy h_ZeroDivisionError;
[docs] HPy h_BlockingIOError;
[docs] HPy h_BrokenPipeError;
[docs] HPy h_ChildProcessError;
[docs] HPy h_ConnectionError;
[docs] HPy h_ConnectionAbortedError;
[docs] HPy h_ConnectionRefusedError;
[docs] HPy h_ConnectionResetError;
[docs] HPy h_FileExistsError;
[docs] HPy h_FileNotFoundError;
[docs] HPy h_InterruptedError;
[docs] HPy h_IsADirectoryError;
[docs] HPy h_NotADirectoryError;
[docs] HPy h_PermissionError;
[docs] HPy h_ProcessLookupError;
[docs] HPy h_TimeoutError;
[docs] HPy h_Warning;
[docs] HPy h_UserWarning;
[docs] HPy h_DeprecationWarning;
[docs] HPy h_PendingDeprecationWarning;
[docs] HPy h_SyntaxWarning;
[docs] HPy h_RuntimeWarning;
[docs] HPy h_FutureWarning;
[docs] HPy h_ImportWarning;
[docs] HPy h_UnicodeWarning;
[docs] HPy h_BytesWarning;
[docs] HPy h_ResourceWarning;
[docs] HPy h_BaseObjectType;
[docs] HPy h_TypeType;
[docs] HPy h_BoolType;
[docs] HPy h_LongType;
[docs] HPy h_FloatType;
[docs] HPy h_UnicodeType;
[docs] HPy h_TupleType;
[docs] HPy h_ListType;
[docs] HPy h_ComplexType;
[docs] HPy h_BytesType;
[docs] HPy h_MemoryViewType;
[docs] HPy h_CapsuleType;
[docs] HPy h_SliceType;
[docs] HPy h_Builtins;